Meeting #13

57 7 12

Sorry I haven't been updating this. School sucks rn ;v;

Welcome to the cult meeting. I have no idea what else to talk about (aside from emo stuff but I can't even talk about that unless my emo friend helps me out with it) 

Today we're talking about those iconic home videos people used to make, and just the early days of Youtube.
who couldn't forget afv thoo

Also apparently Ariana Grande got in to that kinda stuff before she even got on Victorious the heckkk

her first video is at the top

and youtube's first video:

these were the types of content we got in 2008
and it was entertaining

Also we can't forget about NewGrounds videos, such as Charlie the Unicorn, or Strong bad.

That's all I have (sry I couldn't think of much, wish i had more ;v;). Cya later!


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