Chapter 1 pt 2 The park

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Later that day...

Korra was sitting on her couch when she heard a ding from her phone.

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Hey korra! It's asami! 😄

Oh hey asami!

Asami: what time should we head to the park?

Korra: we could go right now actually! Meet me by the big tree near the bench in the center

Asami: ok, see you then! 😄

Korra: see ya!

Korra then got up from her seat, put on her hoodie and head towards the door.

"Mom, I'm going to the park with a friend!" She yelled.

"Ok don't be out too late! Your father will be home later tonight!" Her mother yelled back.

"Ok, bye love you!"

"Love you too!"

Korra ran out the door and went straight to the park.
"Ok dad see you later!" Asami said to her dad.

"Bye honey, don't be out too late and call me if you need me!" He replied.

"Ok bye!" Asami walked out the door to go meet korra.

Central Park

Korra sees the big tree by the bench as she reaches the center of the park. She reaches the bench and waits for asami.
Asami sees the big tree and bench korra told her about as she reaches the center but suddenly stops in her tracks.

Shes nervous.

Asami wasn't used to making new friends since this was her first time moving to a state far away.

She takes a second to catch herself and takes a few deep breaths.

"It ok asami, you got this" she says to herself. She starts walking again and reaches the bench.

As she approaches she sees korra waiting for her.

"Uh, hi" Korra hears a small voice from behind her and turns around. She sees asami and smiles.

"hi" korra says back.

Asami moves to sit down next to korra. A minute of a bit of awkward silence passes until asami speaks up.

"So what should we do?"

"Well to be honest I didn't think about that part....but, I did see an ice cream truck on the way here. Wanna go?"


Korra gets up and asami follows. About a minute or two later they reach the truck. Korra gets chocolate and asami gets strawberry.

"So, where you from" Korra asks as they leave the truck.

"Well I originally came from California, but we had to move around a lot due to my dads company."

"Ooh I see. Do you miss California? I know it's really hot over there" korra let's out a small breathy chuckle.

"Kinda. Like you said it is really hot, but I do miss the little things. What about you? Where are you from, or are you from here?" Asami probably already knew the answer but wasn't entirely sure so she asked anyways.

"I guess you could say I am from here. I was actually born in Canada. Actually, now that I think about it I never really found out why we moved here. It probably isn't that serious hah." The subject is brushed off when asami and korra encounter a swing set while walking.

"Hey look swings!" Korra says in excitement. "C'mon!"

Korra starts to swing the while asami just sits there in silence watching.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you just sitting there?"

"Uh, well...I've never been on a swing before.." Asami trails off a bit.

"No...way.... you've NEVER been on a swing before?!"


"Ok wait, hold on, stay right there."

Korra starts walking behind asami and puts her hands in her upper back.

"Korra, what are you doing?"

"Pushing you"

"Wait WHA-" Asami starts flying in the air screaming and holding on for her dear life onto the chains of the swing. Korra pushed her slightly too hard but just enough to send her flying.

Korra bursts into laughter as she watches a scared asami swing back and fourth holding on to nothing but the chains holding up the swing seat.


Korra finally collects herself and waits for the perfect moment for Asami to come back down to catch her.

Asami just sits there in silence and korra bursts into tears again.

"It's not funny" Asami mumbles while trying to hide her slight smile.

"Oh come on, it was a little funny. I cant believe you've never been on a swing before. It's the best thing ever."

"I guess i was always too scared to try. I'm kinda afraid of heights."

"I can see that. Next time I promise to teach you the right way instead of traumatizing you." Korra chuckles a bit and asami lightly punches her shoulder.

Korra checks her phone and it's almost 5:30. "I should get going. Don't wanna be out for too long."

"Me too, I don't want my dad to get angry at me."

"Ok well, thanks for coming. I had fun." Korra gives asami a smile while gently rubbing the back of her neck.

"I had fun too, see ya later." Asami smiles back.


Korra watches asami walk off and then does the same a moment later. If she were to be honest she really did have fun. The most fun she has had in a very long time..

Korra finally reaches her house and heads straight to her room. She flops right on her bed and instantly goes to sleep without changing. Today was only the beginning..

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