Chapter 3

262 11 50

6 years later





Korra wakes up with blurry eyes and a low groan. Her eyes clear and she looks at the clock..

9:30 am

She smacks the snooze button and turns around while shutting her eyes.

Oh shit!

She launches out of her bed and checks the time again.


Korra looks at her phone and see 3 missed calls and 6 messages from asami.

Asami: korra don't forget finals are today


I hope you're not Oversleeping again




"Damn it" Korra quickly walks over to her closet, grabs a random t-shirt, a red hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. She wasn't trying to look super good since it was almost the end of the year.

She throws her clothes on the bed and grabs her towel and heads straight for the bathroom.

She turns on the shower and hops in.

The shower was the perfect temperature, nice and warm. Not too hot, no where near cold, but korra knew she couldn't stay in there any longer. She sighed and hopped out the shower.

She starts throwing on her clothes and heads back to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She then hears a car door close out side.

Oh no korra thinks. She then hears footsteps from the stairs and hallway. Next thing she knows her room door opens.

Oh nooo

Korra knows exactly what's coming.

"Korra!" Korra knows that voice anywhere.

She then sees a slightly taller figure with jet black hair and green eyes standing right in front of her bathroom door.

"Korra I told you not to be late!"

"I know I'm sorry I overslept"

Asami playfully roles her eyes "of course you did. Hurry up, you're lucky I came to pick your ass up" she then goes to sit on korras bed and waits patiently.

"You always come to pick me up" Korra says with a small smirk.

"Whatever just hurry up"

"Alright, alright"

Korras parents were never home so she gave asami an extra key for when she wants to come over.

Her family wasn't perfect. Always fighting and yelling. Her parents are currently going through a divorce and it wasnt pretty. It always felt like more than just arguing. Korra wasn't completely sure but thinks it's more than that.

Asami always cared about korras education, so she always made sure she was studying and never late to class or school. Korra would slip up from time to time but asami would always help her get back on track.

If it wasn't for asami korra probably wouldn't be graduating.

And korra was beyond grateful for that.

Asamis family wasn't perfect either. Her mother died when Asami was only six years old, and her father was always working, which caused their relationship to falter.

The butlers, or nannies had to take care of Asami and basically raised her since her father was never around. It's been like that ever since.

Asami gets a notification from her phone and checks it.

1 message from mako

Babe where are you?? Finals start in 30 minutes!!

"Shit. Korra are you done in there? We gotta go."

"Yea, uh, yeah let's go."

Asami and korra head out and start towards the driveway. Asami gets in the drivers seat and korra gets in the passenger side.

"I'm so glad we're about to graduate, I hate school so fucking much" korra says breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yea well wait until you have to go to college"

"Who said I was going to college" Korra says with a frown.

"Relax, I'm kidding. Honestly, I don't know if I want to go either. And if I do I'll wait until I'm older"

"I don't know, I just don't think it's for me."

Asami hums in agreement while a comfortable silence enters the car.

A few minutes later they finally reach the highschool. Asami parks the car and they head to enter the building.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you after finals." Asami finally says.

"ok" korra replies wity a sigh.

Truth be told, they both were nervous. They could both see it in each other. They knew they were gonna pass but it was still scary. I mean, who doesn't get nervous while getting ready to take a final test...?

Korra and Asami don't have first period together so, they weren't going to be there for each other at the time. But, the rest of the classes they do have together along with their friends, Opal, Bolin, wu, and Asamis boyfriend, Mako.

They both couldn't wait to see each other again.

Korra enters her classroom and sits at the seat she usually sits in. There weren't any assigned seats but korra loved sitting and the same spot.

"Alright class, you should already know the rules. I will hand you your worksheets and when I say begin you will have one hour and thirty minutes to complete your test."
Asami steps into her classroom and goes to sit in her assigned seat.

The room was cold. "Its always fucking cold in here" Asami thinks. She reaches in her bag and put her hoodie on.

"Hello everybody, I hope your morning went well. You all should already know the rules of the test.. I will hand you your work sheets and when I say begin you will have one hour and thirty minutes to complete the test. Good luck!"

"Ok everybody has their worksheets correct?"

The class responded.

*Asami and korras teacher*

"Alright, You may now begin your test...."
Thank you guys for reading, feel free to send some criticism my way. I'm always open to suggestions and what not. But yea sorry for taking so long. Hope you enjoyed.

Peace 🏃🏽‍♀️

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