Chapter 5

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TW: mentions of abuse and alcohol

School is over and the weekend starts. All students come rushing out the doors. some heading to their personal cars, others walking home or heading to their assigned bus. Korra and the other head to Asamis car so they can drive to their houses and collect their belongings. Bolin, Mako, and Opal sit in the back and Korra gets shotgun. Of course, Mako being Mako, complains about Korra always getting the front seat.

"Why does Korra always get to sit in the font?"

"Yep there it is.", Opal sighs.

"No seriously. She always gets the front and im always stuck in the back."

"Cmon bro, does it really matter? Youre always complaining about something."

"What? No im not. I was just saying that its not really fair."

"Someone sounds a little jealous.", Korra teases.

"Im not jealous, but it would be nice to sit next to my girlfriend every once and a while."

"Calm down guys, its not that serious. If it makes you feel any better Mako you can sit next to me next ride."

"Yeah sure whatever."

Korra fake coughs while smiling, "Ahem, jealous."

Mako glares at Korra then looks at the window. A few minutes of comfortable silence pass in the car and the teens finally arrive at Korras house since it was closer. She had somehow fallen asleep during those few minutes of the car ride. She had been a little tired since this morning because she barley slept last night. Asami decides to mess with Korra and gets a pen from the glove compartment and sticks the pen in her ear. It was a metal pen so unsurprisingly, it was cold.

"AHH, what the hell"

Asami laughs, "Wake up sleepy head. Get your stuff from your house so we can go."

"Huh? Oh, yea."

She hops out the car and jogs to the front door of her building. As she approaches she hears shouting from what seems to be the kitchen.

"Shit", she mumbles.

She quickly grabs her keys and carefully opens the door. Korras assumption was wrong and her parents were actually in front of the stairway. It caught so off guard that she almost stumbles back outside. Fuck. Her parents pause and turn toward her direction. Instead of saying anything they continue their shouting but in the kitchen instead. She waits for her parents to leave before running upstairs to grab her things. She heads toward her room and and quickly grabs the duffle bag and old book bag under her bed.

The first thing she grabs is her tooth brush and deodorant. She goes to the closet and grabs a cap load of clothes. Her plan was to stay over at Asamis for more than the weekend. She didnt wanna stay at her own house for the last few weeks of school. Hell, maybe shell even let me stay for the summer. Korra then grabs her few pairs of shoes and the rest of the things she might need and quickly walks, sprinting almost, down the stairs. She speeds through the door and reaches Asamis car.

"Is it cool if i stay for the summer actually?"

"Hm? Oh yeah sure. Youre always welcome."

Korra lets out a sigh of relief and smiles.

"Why are you out of breath?"

"You ask a lot of questions yknow."

"I was just wondering."

"Youre always wondering too."

Asami smiles at the silly comment and drives off. "Whatever"

The others arrive at their houses and collect their belongings. Mako stays behind to take care of some stuff he had to do like he said earlier. Another few minutes quickly pass by on the ride to Asamis house. For Korra it felt longer. She was deep in thought about how her parents might not show up to her graduation. I dont even know why im worried, I know they wont. Her mother always told her that she was worthless and that she would never be anything. Calling her lazy and useless and all kinds of other fucked up things. Most of the time it was only when Korra would slip up on her grades. Sometimes she thinks her mother doesnt even know what shes saying herself. She used to be so sweet and calm. Now its just yelling every other day and only coming home at 2 in the morning most nights.

What you mean to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora