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"GEORGEEEEEEEEE" Yelled Dream as George fell off the plane, it was slowly crashing onto a giant mountain. George was passed out, unable to do anything. "SAPNAP, HES GOING TO FALL ON THAT ISLAND" Dream yelled at Sapnap. Sapnap put his shoulder onto Dreams. "We have to jump Dream" said Sapnap as he was dragging him out of the plane. "SAPNAP, STOP" Dream tried to get sapnap off of him but it was too late. They jumped, Sapnap went closer to George and held him tight while falling. Dream soon came in and held onto Sapnap.

Dream and Sapnap woke up, they hugged each other tightly. "W-wheres G-George' said Dream. He then ran off to look for him. "DREAM, I found him!" Yelled Sapnap. Dream ran to Sapnap and held George up to his head. He was bleeding, his forehead was all covered in blood. "Sapnap, look for some leaves anything, We need a shelter for tonight" said Dream, "Im on it!" Said Sapnap as he ran into a forest.

"E-everything is going to be okay George, you're with us and thats all that matters" said Dream, he was covered in tears as he held George up to his chest, hoping he would wake up,

Soon it turned dark, Sapnap already finished the shelter but went out scavenging for food, He came back with some berries. "How is he?" Sapnap looked at George. "he's breathing" said Dream as he was grabbing more leaves.

George suddenly woke up. But everybody was asleep, he looked around and saw Sapnap and Dream lying next to him.
He soon realized that he couldn't get up. "They are probably holding onto me" said George. He then soon fell asleep.

The next day george woke up, Dream and Sapnap were outside, he crawled outside before standing up, but he fell, he didn't get the chance to walk. Dream turned around "George!" Dream said happily as he ran over to George. "Are you ok?" Said Dream. "Sapnap! Come here, he's awake!!" Dream yelled to Sapnap.

"Gogy, are you ok?" Said Sapnap to George as he was getting up.

"Im fine guys, don't need to worry.... w-where are we" George sounded frightened.

"Don't worry about it, all i know is that were not getting off this island for a while now.." said Sapnap sadly. "I made multiple boats, but none have went far. The waves are so strong right now, it can break the boat in one hit." Sapnap wasn't to happy about this.

"Guys, promise me you will be with me? We will all be together?" Said George in tears, he went and hugged Dream as he was crying. "I promise George, we will soon fine our way off this island, and we will carry on with our lives, happily." Dream said. "I promise..." Dream needed to find a way off the island asap. George soon got up and turned to Sapnap. He went and pulled Sapnap to him, hugging him.

"You stay here and rest Gogy, me and Dream will find supplies. There are berries in the shelter for you." Said Sapnap. He grabbed some sticks as protection and both him and Dream left.

George looked out into the ocean. "Wh-what if i don't want to go?" Thought George. "Like, its kinda peaceful here, nobody to interrupt us, Its just us, me, you, and Sapnap..." George said to himself.

He went outside while eating some berries, he looked around when he saw a broken axe. "Perfect!" He grabbed it and looked at nearest tree. He walked over then he started to chop it down. He tried picking up the tree but he fell. "I guess ill chop down some more, Dream and Sapnap can carry them." Said George. He grabbed his axe and he went chopping.

Once Sapnap and Dream cam back they were shocked when they saw George lying in the floor with the axe, with trees chopped everywhere. "George, did you do this?" Asked Dream. George looked at them "Yeah! I didn't want to just sit around and wait, and i found this broken axe! We can chop down so many trees now!" George was proud of himself. "Good work Gogy! But its getting late, lets get into the shelter." Sapnap went into the shelter and laid down. Then George and Dream followed him.

Sapnap, George, and Dream are know on this island, are they alone? Or not?

If you have read this far, thanks for reading. I dont know how many chapters im going to do but we will see! Credits to whoever made the cover. I dont know their @ so if you do please do tell me!

Word count- 782

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