Home Sweet Home

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Before i start i wanted to say. Holy cow- for the tags i'm 5th out of 58 stories for Georgenotfound. And 258 out of 1000 stories  for Ranboo. Like- holy cow! Tysm for the support!

Dream and Sapnap were looking around an area on the island. There were a huge space, enough for a lot of houses, a farm, a garden, a lot of things. "Hey Dream, you thinking bout what i'm thinking?" Dream looked at Sapnap and smiled. "Lets get building then." They both grabbed their axe's and went to chop some trees. Then they would put them in a pile.

Once they chopped down enough trees they called out to Tommy and Tubbo. Once they came they all started making the houses. "Can me and Tubbo be roommates?" Asked Tommy. Tubbo looked over at Tommy and smiled. "Sure, but that's if Tubbo sant's to." Said Dream "Of course i want to be his roommate!" Smiled Tubbo. Tommy and Tubbo then started focusing on their house.

After a few hours it was dark. "We should go back to camp." Said Tommy, they all nodded then they started going back. Sapnap was in the front, Tubbo and Tommy was in the middle, and Dream was at the back. As they slowly walked back to camp they were then circled by endermens, "don't look in their eyes, just walk past them." Whispered Sapnap. They all looked down and walked past them. Tommy was covering Tubbo with his body making sure he dosent get hurt and to make sure he dosent look at the endermen.

"Tommy.... what are you doing?" Whispered Dream. "I'm protecting Tubbo." Whispered Tommy. "Why...? He has to learn how to protect himself, if others do it for him he won't learn." Whispered Dream in a kinda angry tone. Tommy rolled his eyes and continued walking. "Hey Tubbo, don't listen to Dream. He's acting like a pussy, just don't listen to him." Whispered Tommy to Tubbo. Dream rolled his eyes and continued walking.

"T-thanks Tommy..." whispered Tubbo. "It's fine man, next time Dream say's that to you or some shit, just tell me, and i'll beat his arse!" Whispered Tommy while looking at Dream, he then looked away and stood up. "TOMMY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING GET DOWN!" Whispered Sapnap, but a bit loud. "I'm walking." Replied Tommy. Tommy then grabbed Tubbo and stood him up with him. "TOMMY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Whispered Tubbo. "I'm just listening to Dream." Tommy then winked at Tubbo, just so Tubbo know's what he's doing. Tubbo sighed and continued walking. Soon Dream grabbed them both and slammed them to the ground. "What the hell!" Said Tommy on the floor. Tommy then rubbed his head and looked at Dream.

"Why did you do that!?" Asked Dream.

"I'm listening to you, you said he has to protect himself other wise he will never learn, so i'm letting him protect himself." Tommy said in a serious tone.

"I didn't mean it like that!!"

Tommy rolled his eyes and stood up again. "WHY ARE YOU STANDING UP AGAIN!" Yelled Dream. Dream kinda had enough of Tommy. Tubbo then stood up again. They both then went in front of Sapnap. "Guys? What are you doing?" Asked Sapnap. Tommy and Tubbo ignored Sapnap's question then went in another direction. "What...are....you...DOING!?" Yelled Sapnap. Sapnap then stood up and went after them, Dream then stood up as well.

They both stopped and stood there in complete silent. "....." "what the hell is that...." Tommy and Tubbo were standing beside a . Thing?? Then Tommy jumped on the thing and started beating it. After a few seconds Tommy stood back up. "Dude? You good there?" Asked Sapnap. Sapnap then ran up to Tommy and grabbed his hands. "It's all bloody... what the hell was that?" Asked Sapnap. Tommy then looked at the creature then looked back at Sapnap. "That my friend, is a skeleton. I'm shocked you guys can't see the bones." Dream and Sapnap looked at the skeleton. The skeleton was covered in blood due to Tommy beating it up. Tubbo then grabbed the skeleton's bow and a arrow that it was holding. Then him and Tommy walked away from Dream and Sapnap without saying a thing.

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