Why Me?

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Side Note: this chapter is associated to yesterdays stream when Dream beaten Tommy to death causing his last canon life. But Tommy's not going to die in this, don't worry. P.S there might be a little smut in this story...

After a few weeks in their new home, Dream started to get irritated of Tommy. He was annoying Dream by his constant yelling. Dream was once writing a book about the island. He messed up when Tommy came up behind Dream and shouted. "ELLO DREAM!!!" Dream looked at Tommy with a angry expression. "Whats wrong?" Asked Tommy.

Dream got up and slapped Tommy across the face. Causing Tommy to have a red mark on his cheek. Furiously Tommy kicked Dream, Dream fell to the ground and grunt. He then looked at Tommy, Tommy looked back at Dream then walked away to Tubbo.

After a few hours it was lunch, they all gathered around the campfire and George gave everybody their food. Tommy was talking and laughing with Ranboo and Tubbo. Niki and Fundy were talking. And George and Sapnap were talking. Dream looked Tommy with a straight face. Tommy looked at Dream, he waved at Dream with a smile and continued talking.

Dream was surprised but it still didn't changed what he felt about Tommy. He was furious at Tommy, but why? It was just a book. Dream realized why he was mad at Tommy, because ever since he was on the island he had that book. He worked on it for months. Months of work had gone to waste. That's why he was mad at him.

After a few hours Dream was doing something. Tommy then snuck up behind him and yelled. "ELLO DRE!" Making Dream mess up what he was doing. "TOMMY WOULD YOU STOP DOING THAT!" Yelled Dream. Tommy walked away laughing his ass off. "Bitch boy..." mumbled Dream.

Sapnap walked up to Dream. "Its fine dude. We can start again." Said Sapnap. "No.... we cannot..." said Dream. "Hey its fine." Said Sapnap in a calm voice. Dream got mad. "I SAID ITS NOT!" Dream got up and pushed Sapnap to the floor. "S-Sapnap i'm sorry... here i didn't know what got into me." Dream offered to help him up. Sapnap got up himself "not cool man." He then walked away. "What have i done... i made my best friend... mad...." Dream fell to the floor amd started sobbing.

Everyday Tommy would scare Dream while he's doing something, and Tommy would always run away laughing. One day he had enough. He ran up to Tommy and punched him in the face. Causing Tommy to have a black eye. George ran up to Tommy but Tommy pushed George away. "I'm fine George.." said Tommy. Tommy then walked up to Dream and kicked him in the stomach.

Dream coughed out blood. "Everyone.. leave now, or there will be serious consequences, Tommy stay with me." Everybody left the place. "I don't have a good feeling about this...." said Tubbo sadly.

Once everybody left Dream jumped on Tommy and started punching him in the face. Everybody could hear the scream of pain from Tommy. Tubbo fell and started crying. "TOMMY!!" He yelled out loud. Ranboo fell to the floor and hugged Tubbo. Sapnap looked in the distance. He looked at George and hugged George. "I'm sorry Gogy..." whispered Sapnap in George's ear. George was crying, he then hugged Sapnap back.

Dream was punching Tommy until his knuckled's were bleeding. He looked at Tommy and he was completely out. His face was all covered in blood due to Dream. When Dream got off Tommy, Tommy woke up and jumped onto Dream, he then started punching Dream on the the face. He then got up and stomped onto Dream's stomach. He was completely bleeding. Dream then look at Tommy and tripped him on his foot. Causing Tommy to hit his face on a rock. Dream got up and walked away. Tommy was crying cause of how sore he was.

After a few minutes of laying there Tommy passed out. Everybody ran to Tommy and George grabbed him and took him to Ranboo's hut. Sapnap stormed up to Dream, Dream's knuckled were bleeding and his face. Sapnap walked up to Dream and slapped him across the face. Then he left without saying a word.

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