New Life, New People

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It has been two months since Tubbo and Tommy landed on the new island. Tubbo was a very good friend with Ranboo. But, everyday Endermen keeps coming onto the island. One by one they come and go. Sapnap has been in the mines, getting them some stuff.

Once day sapnap came running up with a smile on his face. "Guys! Guys! I did it! I found iron!!" Shouted Sapnap. Everybody looked at Sapnap. Dream went running to Sapnap and hugged him. "Sapnap buddy.... we thought we lost you...." Sapnap had forgotten that he hadn't been home in a week. "S-sorry Dream. But thats besides the point. We have enough iron to make upgraded tools!" Said Sapnap with a smile on his face. George cooked Sapnap some pork with berries and water. Meanwhile Tommy and Tubbo looked out in the water for survivors.

"Guys! This island must be very popular for people lost in sea. Because i see someone." Yelled Tommy. "Wait really!?" Said Ranboo. Ranboo came running and saw a boat with a passed out person. "Grab the rope! He's close enough to pull in." Shouted Dream. Tubbo grabbed a very long vine which they use as a rope. Tommy threw it nice and hard that it went around the boat. "Everybody pull!" Shouted Tommy. Then Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, Dream, and George all went behind Tommy and they all pulled the rope.

Once the survivor got onto land Dream brought the person into Ranboo's hut, Ranboo had all the medical supplies that they needed. "A girl?" Said George in a confused tone. "It dont matter Gogy, what does matter is that she survives." Said Dream.

She looks awfully familiar..

Tommy and Ranboo decided that they would stay in the hut with the survivor. A few hours later she woke up. "W-who are you? W-wh-where is Wilbur..." said the girl. Tommy started crying. "Tommy?" Said Ranboo putting his hand onto Tommy's shoulder. "I know that voice anywhere..." said Tommy. "T-To-Tommy?" "Hello...Niki..." said Tommy. Tommy then ran up to Niki a hugged her. "How did you get here?" Asked Tommy. "Y-you mean you don't remember?" Said Niki. "Remember what?" Replied Tommy. Ranboo then decided to just walk out the room and let them talk each other.

"Well...." Niki then decided to tell Tommy the story.

"Well... me, you, Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, Phill, Fundy. We all went onto a yacht because, Will won a free ride on a yacht , so, Techno flew over to me and Will, Phill took Tubbo and you with him because, you guys were close, and Fundy drove over to meet up with us. Once we all were there we went to the place and went on a giant Yacht. We were having so much fun until trouble arrived. The engines suddenly stopped. I looked down and realized we hit a group of sharks, and the sharks started banging on the yacht, slowly breaking it. The captain then ran up to us and yelled. "EVERYBODY GRAB SOME FOOD HURRY! THERE ARE SOME CANOES THAT WE HAVE! YOU ALL CAN JUMP INTO ONE. I WILL DEAL WITH THE SITUATION YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE." So we all grabbed some food from the kitchen and ran to the canoes. You and Tubbo shared one, I had my own. Will jumped on with Techno, and Phill and Fundy went into one together. I was lost for maybe about 3 months... i then ran out of food and water, and i think i passed out. Thank you for saving me! I don't know what i would do if you guys didn't find me.... i would probably be dead by now... thank you."

"You're welcome Niki... we need to find the rest..! Maybe we can use the canoes as a way off this island... anyways, i'm going to get Tubbo, he would love to see you again. And while i'm doing that i'm going to get you some food." Tommy then walked out of the hut and then seconds later Tubbo ran in. Tommy then came back in with some berries. "Eat up, i'll leave you too alone to talk." Tommy gave Niki her food and left.

"N-Niki.l.." Tubbo didn't know what to say. So... Will...Techno...Phill...Fundy... might still be alive??" Tubbo then started crying. He ran outside and as loud as he could he shouted. "PHILL!!!!!" Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at Tubbo. "T-Tubbo..?" Said Ranboo. Ranboo was about to run up to Tubbo when Tommy stopped him. Tommy shook his head and Ranboo just watched. "PHILL!!!! TECHNO!!! FUNDY!!!! WILL!!! ANYBODY!?!?!?" Shouted Tubbo. Tubbo fell to his knees and started crying. Tommy then walked up to Tubbo. Then Tommy shouted. "WILLBUR!!!!! FUNDY!!!! PHILZA!!!! TECHNO!!!!" Tubbo looked up at Tommy and smiled. Because Tommy can yell way louder then Tubbo can. Then Tommy's heart drop when he heard a voice yell back. "TOMMY!!?! IS THAT YOU!?!?" Tubbo and Tommy then looked at each other. Tubbo quickly got up. They both knew that voice. And at the top of their lungs they both shouted. "YES FUNDY! ITS US!!" Dream looked at them and smiled while they were hugging each other. "Were going to have the gang back... were going to have Phill back." Smiled Tubbo. Tubbo then hugged Tommy.

"Ok guys. I guess we have a busy day tomorrow, because, were going to help you find you're friends, but for now, come help us cook this iron." Said Sapnap in a happy tone of voice. George then chuckled. "I remember our first time we saw each other in 5 years." Sapnap and Dream smiled. "Yup, the happiest day of our lives, its still mine!" Said Sapnap. "Same here!" Said Dream. George chuckled, then sat down. "Were not going to be alone anymore... we have people here, and more to come." Sapnap and Dream then sat beside George, and they all did a group hug. "We might not be able to get out of this island... but we are going to have people coming on the island to keep us company." Said Dream.

They all went into Nikis hut then Dream said. "You're not going to be alone, nobody is, were all going to stick together! We all promise that we will stick together?" "Promise!" Said everybody at the same time. Dream smiled. "Ok then! Lets get down to business then."

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Oop- this chapter might be the longest chapter i've done. Its fine though. Next chapter i might do Fundy's and Wilbur's POV with their buddy's. So thats going to be interesting. But anyways, i hope you have a good day/night. <3 (there might be some typos)

Word count -1119

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