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Before i start i just want to say, this is Fundy's and Philza's story. Maybe i might do Will's or Techno's next chapter, maybe.

Fundy and Phill have been stranded in sea for who knows how long? Fundy has had enough. "Phill! Were running low on food. Grab the paddles, we must look for everybody else!" Phill rolled his eyes then grabbed a paddle, he then gave one to Fundy then they went moving.

After paddling for almost 2 hours, they stopped. Phill decided that he had enough of Fundy's crap. He dealt with Fundy's order's ever since they got stranded. So Phill yelled and Fundy. "LOOK! I'M DONE DEALING WITH YOU'RE SHIT FUNDY! I SAY WE GO THIS WAY BECAUSE, I SAW A CRATE FROM THE YATCH." Fundy looked at Phill then started fake crying. "I'm sorry Fundy... i didn't mean to yell at you like that..." Said Phill. But it didn't change Phill's mind. So he grabbed his paddle and he turned it to the left to where he saw the crate, then he started to paddle. Fundy rolled his eyes then started paddling with Phill.

Why didn't i go with Niki?

Why didn't i go with Will and Techno...

After a few hours of paddling Phill stopped then yelled. "Its the crate!" Phill grabbed the crate and opened it. "Jackpot" said Phill with a smile. In the crate was some bottles of water. A phone, a lot of canned food. A fishing rod. A pen. A spear. And a map. "YES!" Shouted Fundy. Phill got a fright and let go of the crate. "FUNDY! HURRY AND PADDLE QUICKLY!" Yelled Phill. They quickly paddled to the crate then Phill put it in the canoe. Phill then grabbed their food and water then put it in the crate.

Phill then grabbed a map and opened it. "Fundy come here." Said Phill. Fundy went to Phill then started listening to Phill. "So it shows a map of the huge ocean, and a lot of islands. If i were too guess we would be right here. Because here is where the yacht crashed. Then ever since then we've been moving to the right then going straight. Then we turned to the left. And now were here." Fundy was surprised on how smart Phill have been lately. 

"I trust you then Phill. Since we should be over here, the nearest island is over there." Phill had to squint his eyes because Fundy pointed at a really small Island. "It may look small but in reality its a size of one big hand. The reason why its small is because our nations and everything are way bigger then one big hand." Said Fundy. Phill smiled then pulled out his hand for s high-five. Fundy smiled then gave Phill a high-five. "I never thought i would high-five Philza Minecraft." Said Fundy. Phill laughed then they started to paddle to the island. "In my calculations, we should be near the island in five days, so lets get paddling." Said Fundy. Phill rolled his eyes then chuckled, then they started paddling.

After 2 day's of paddling, eating, sleeping, drinking, they finally took a small break. "Phill, do you think we will really get out of here? I mean like, think about it. What if we aren't where we think we are ya know? What if were paddling further away from the island...?" Fundy was getting nervous. Phill then looked at Fundy and put his hand on his shoulder. "Of course were going to get off this canoe. I know it!" Said Phill. Fundy smiled then they went back to paddling.

Things were going smooth. They actually got a long. They talked, laughed, cried, they were friends. Until... one devastating day....

Fundy and Phill were just talking, having fun until.... something disturbing happened. Phill hadn't eaten in days. "Hey Phill, why aren't you eating?" Asked Fundy. Phill did a small chuckle. "Oh Fundy, i just don't want our food to be wasted, don't worry, i will eat tomorrow... i promise."

It was the next day, Fundy woke up and was horrified. "P-Phill.... wake up... THIS ISN'T FUNNY PHILL WAKE UP!" Screamed Fundy. There was a note next to Phill.

If you're reading this Fundy... i'm sorry to leave you all alone. I didn't want to do this... i knew i was going to die in my sleep. Due to starvation. I want you to keep heading north.... there is where you will find the island. I'm so sorry Fundy...

Fundy was sobbing his eyes out. But he knew he needed to get to the island. So he started going north. He grabbed a can of food from the crate and ate it.

He've been paddling for 2 days. He was about to loose hope...until he heard him.


"TOMMY!!?? IS THAT YOU!?!?" Yelled Fundy. He then started crying in happiness once he heard Tommy and Tubbo yell. "YES FUNDY!! IT'S US!!!" Fundy couldn't believe it. He's going to go in land for the first time in who knows how long. So without hesitation he started paddling to where he heard Tommy and Tubbo yell. They kept yelling at each other so they knew if Fundy was getting closer.

After an hour paddling he couldn't believe his eyes. "TOMMY!" Everybody was around a campfire. Tommy turned around and he was in tears. "FUNDY!!!!" Tommy then got up and ran to the sea. He then ran in the water. "FUNDY!!!! KEEP PADDLING!!!" Shouted Tommy. Fundy then started paddling as fast as he could. Once the water was shallow enough Tommy ran to Fundy and hugged Fundy. "I'M SO GLAD YOU GUYS ARE OKAY! WHERES PHILL?" Tommy was in complete tears, and was ready to see Phill once again. "W-well about Phill....." Fundy went to the canoe. He grabbed the note next to Phill and gave it to Tommy. Tommy's hand flew to his mouth then he ran up to Phill. "Im sorry Tommy... he didn't eat for days.... he knew he was going to die one day..." said Fundy. Tommy was devastated, but wasn't mad at Fundy. "I-its ok... as long as you aren't dead... come eat with us.." Tommy grabbed Fundy then they went to sit down with the others.

"NIKI!?" Fundy said in a surprise. "Fundy!?" Niki and Fundy then went and hugged each other. "Pls... call me Floris. It is my real name." Said Fundy. Fundy then looked over at Tubbo. "Nice to see you again Toby." Said Fundy. Fundy then hugged Tubbo. 'Please don't call me that." Said Tubbo. Fundy let go of Tubbo then looked at Dream, George and Sapnap. "And who are you?" Asked Fundy. "I'm Clay, but call me Dream." Dream and Fundy then shook hands. "I'm Nick, people call me Sapnap." Fundy then shook Sapnap's hand. "And i'm George, or Gogy.." Fundy then shook hands with George. "Its a pleasure too meet you gentlemen's." George then handed Fundy some cooked pork with water. "YOU GUYS HAVE OTHER FOOD BESIDE CANNED FOOD?" Shouted Fundy. Dream then chuckled. "If you have leftover canned food, do you mind handing them over to George? We need as much food as we can have." Fundy nodded then went over to his canoe, he then grabbed the crate with the food and other stuff. Then he gave it to George. "Sweet!" Said George, George then put the crate into his hut.

"You will be sleeping in Tommy's hut." Said Sapnap. Fundy nodded his head and as soon as he finished he dragged Tommy. "Tommy which one is you're hut?" Asked Fundy. Tommy laughed then pointed at his hut. "Thank you." Fundy then let go of Tommy then ran into the hut. "A WOODEN BED? WITH A PILLOW!?" Screamed Fundy. Fundy immediately jumped on the bed and had a goodnight sleep.

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I FINISHED! IT only took a day. I feel whole for the fact the this had 1300k+ words. Tysm for reading and part 7 should be out shortly! And i hope you have a good day/night <3 (sorry if there are any typos)

Word count - 1358

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