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It was the next day, everybody woke up and walked out of their cabins. "Morning!" Said Fundy as he was walking by everybody. George was the first awake. Which means that breakfast was ready, they all sat by the campfire, Tommy and Dream made sure they had a far distance from each other.

Dream seemed to calm down when he was around George "morning baby." Said Dream kissing George. "Morning Clay." Said George knowing Dream doesn't like to be called that. Dream rolled his eyes and chuckled he looked over at Sapnap. Sapnap looked at Dream and looked away without even waving. Dream was sad, he didn't mean all those words he said yesterday, well... most of them anyways.

While eating they were all laughing at Tommy and Tubbo arguing, well except for Dream of course. "I AM MORE MUSCULAR THEN YOU!!" Yelled Tommy. "I AM MORE SMARTER THEN YOU!!" Yelled Tubbo. Tommy looked at Tubbo and laughed "WHATS 9x104??" Tubbo looked at Tommy with a disappointing face, "936... i'm not that dumb Tommy, even though i dropped out-" Tommy started bursting out laughing. Everybody was basically wheezing at this point. "I'm still smarter then you Tubbo" Tubbo looked at Tommy. "Whats 27+42?" Asked Tubbo with a smirk. "Its 69- TUBBO!" Everybody looked at Tubbo and laughed. "OK THEN HOW DO YOU SPELL DISSATISFIED!?" Yelled Tommy. "Thats not even a word!" Yelled Tubbo. "It uh it is actually..." said Fundy. "You wont understand..." said Niki. "You've gone too far man.." said Fundy, "yeah, sorry Tubzo." Said Tommy.

After breakfast they all went and did some chores. Tubbo Ranboo Tommy and Sapnap cleaned out the beach, like picking up trash or leftover things from the helicopter. George and Dream went and cleaned out the cabins. And Fundy and Niki sat at the beach to see if their are any survivors. If they found any survivors they would ring a bell.

After a few hours of lookout everybody heard the bell ring. Everybody ran to the two. "SURVIVORS!?" Yelled Tubbo. Once they all got to Niki and Fundy, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, and Niki went and ran up to the survivors. "HEY GUYS!!!" Yelled the person. "TECHNO!! WILL!!" Yelled Tommy. They all went and hugged each other. "GUYS WE HAVE FOOD FOR DAYS NOW!" Yelled Dream as he looked into the crate. Sapnap and George carried the crate into their cabin. "Will!!" Said Niki as she hugged Wilbur. "Hey there Niki" said Will, happy to see Niki again. "TOMMY!!" Techno and Tommy hugged each other. "Its been a while Technoblade." Fundy and Techno shook hands. Techno looked at Tubbo and hugged Tubbo for a little bit then let go "thats the last time i'm hugging you." Said Techno. "Its fine." Tubbo and Techno shook hands.

"TOMMY!" Yelled Will. Both Tommy and Will hugged each other and shook hands. "Let's go introduce you to everybody" Tommy then gathered everybody to the campfire. "Since you already know them let us introduce ourselves." Said Ranboo. "I'm Ranboo! Half human half enderman." Ranboo shook hands with Techno and Will "pleasure to meet you." Said Will "please, the pleasure is all me." Techno and Will then looked to the next person "I'm Nick! But call me Sapnap please." Sapnap shook hands with the two "pleasure meeting you" said Techno. "I'm George, or Gogy" they then shook hands "nice meeting you." Then the two looked over at Dream "I'm Clay! But people call me Dream" Will shook hands with Dream but Techno hesitated before shaking Dream's hand." Pleasure meeting you..." said Techno in a suspicious tone.

They all sat down and ate some berries and talked to each other. Techno went to Wilbur and whispered "that Dream guy is kinda suspicious..." Will looked at Techno and chuckled "its fine Techno." Techno didn't believe Will. So Techno walked to Tommy "Tommy, Dream's kinda sus... i feel like he did something bad... i can tell by his scent..." Tommy looked at Techno with a stare "first, you smelling him or some shit and second, even if he was "sus" just chill. Will would probably pick out a fight with him.." Tommy tried not to make it obvious that Dream did in-fact beat him because, he didn't want any drama anymore, and because Techno would probably kill Dream.

Dream approached Techno "hey there... Technoblade was it?? Interesting name." Even though that was suppose to be a compliment, Techno didn't think it as a compliment. He hated the name "Technoblade" it felt weird. "Call me the blood god" said Techno hoping that Dream got the joke. "The blood god?" Said Dream not getting the joke. "Bruuuuh" Techno looked at Dream then looked away. "Listen here Dream..." Techno looked at Dream and grabbed Dream by the shirt. Dream startled and looked at Techno. "Don't pull off any funny business... mess with Tubbo... Tommy... or Ranboo... it will end badly." Techno looked mad "I understand Tubbo and Tommy but.. why Ranboo you just met him..???" Asked Dream. "he told me he is a minor..." Techno then pushed Dream away. "As i said, do not pull off any funny business understand..?" Dream looked at Techno frightened and nodded.

At lunch they all sat together. Dream got up and walked over to Tommy. Techno was keeping a close eye on Dream. "Hey Tommy...." said Dream "hey there big D!" Said Tommy happily. Dream smiled "hey look um... i'm sorry for what happened yesterday... I didn't know what gotten into me... please forgive me!" Tommy looked up and knew for sure that Dream meant those words. Tommy got up and put his hands out. Dream smiled and shook Tommy's hands. "I'm glad we can be friends again.." said Dream with a smile. Then Dream walked back to George and sat next to George.

After dinner Dream, George, and Sapnap had to pack away the dinner. Sapnap walked over to Dream and tapped Dream on the shoulder. Dream looked at Sapnap and immediately Sapnap knew what face Dream was doing.... he was in full guilt. Sapnap put his hand onto Dream's shoulder, he pulled Dream in and hugged him tightly. Dream started tearing up and hugged Sapnap back, George smiled and walked over to the two and hugged the two.

After packing up Techno and Will went and sat around the campfire and started talking. "Hey Wilbur... i'm kind of suspicious of Dream to be honest..." Techno said with a suspicious look on his face. Will looked at Techno and laughed "Techno i already told you.. theres nothing to worry about. Dream looks like a good man, i'm sure he's fine!" Techno then remembered at dinner, when Dream apologized to Tommy. "Something happened yesterday.... he apologized to Tommy.... and....!" Techno had a thought. "Wait... Tommy's head is covered in bandages.... Dreams head was also covered in bandages.... but Tommy's head has more.... and Dreams knuckles have dried up blood....!!" Techno looked at Will, Will looked back at Techno.

"Theres no way..." said Will trying to calculate everything Techno had said. "Blood.... Bandages... more bandages... i..." Will looked at his hands and turned them into a fist. "Theres no way Dream did that to Tommy..." Will got up and walked into Tommy's cabin with Techno behind him.

Wilbur slammed the door opened and Tommy and Tubbo were both frightened. Will grabbed Tommy by the shirt and picked him up "Put him down!" Yelled Tubbo. "Why did you not tell us that Dream beat you....!" Yelled Wilbur at Tommy before, dropping Tommy to the floor. "I- i didn't want to worry you..." Said Tommy with a scared face. Will looked at Tommy with a psycho look on his face, he then started at Tommy. "Oh so he did...." Tommy startled.


"Look Will.... Dream apologized to me its over now... the drama is over!" Said Tommy hoping to make Will snap back into reality. "And i'm going to beat that son of a bitc-" before Will could finish there were people at the door. It was Dream and Sapnap. "What are they doing here!?" Asked Will with a angry tone. "Well... Dream and Sapnap were coming over to play truth or dare with me and Tubbo...." Said Tommy with a "hoping to not get his ass beaten" type of voice. Will realized that Dream probably heard everything Will said.

Dream walked in and looked at Will with a straight face. Before Will could say anything Techno went in-between the two. "Hey Dream... hehe.... me and Will were just leaving!" Techno then grabbed Will and left the cabin. "Aww man.. i actually wanted the two to play with us... oh well. Lets play!"

"Techno what the fuck!"

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Ok i'm sorry this took around 2 days to finish- i'm going to start on a new project. Its a dreamnotfound fanfic. And besides, i have to also focus on my other books that i wrote so yeah. Anyways thank you for reading and i jope you have a great day/night! <3 (sorry if there are any typos in the story)

Word count- 1513

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