A new day, a new team, and old rivals?

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As you were making your way to the school, admiring surroundings, you were suddenly interrupted by a bike driving into your back.

(Y/N): "What in the name of ........!!"

You were knocked to the ground, while a certain boy tried to help you up.

(Y/N): "For god's sake, it hurt."

???: "Uwahh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to drive into you"

The boy kept apologizing and panicking as you were getting up and rubbing the back of your head.

???: "I'm really really sorry. Next time I'll be more careful"

(Y/N): "You better be..."

As the boy kept bowing and apologizing, you got up still angry, but then you noticed something interesting.

(Y/N): "Hey, it's you tangerine boi!"

You said in a completely different tone, as the boy before you stared at you questioning your sudden change in attitude.

???: "Wasn't he angry just a moment before?"

He looked at you like that for a moment before realizing what you just said.

???: "What did you just call me!!!"

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure it's you tangerine boi, short, orange hair, and everything....."

???: "I'm not some tangerine boy, I have a name."

(Y/N): "Well I only know you as tangerine boi"

???: "Do we even know each other?"

(Y/N): "No"

After you said that the boy kept staring at you with a face saying "seriously?". After a moment he shook it of.

Hinata: "Well anyway my name is Hinata Shoyo, what yours?"

(Y/N): "My name is (L/N)(Y/N). But you can just call me (Y/N)"

Hinata: "Nice to meet you (Y/N), you can call me Shoyo if you want."

He said with his signature smile.

Hinata: "You're going to Karasuno too right? Then let's go together."

(Y/N): "Well, since you asked, sure why not Shoyo"

You both smiled with your eyes closed and continued to school, you walking and Hinata walking while guiding his bike. Hinata wore a standard Karasuno uniform with a sand-yellow hoodie underneath, and a bag on his back. You on the other hand wore the same uniform (in a larger size), unbuttoned at the top reviling your (F/C) button-up shirt, that wasn't tucked into your pants, laying on them instead. 

Hinata: "By the way, did you call me short earlier?"

(Y/N): "Yes I did, is there a problem?"

He looked at you annoyed

Hinata: "Are you mocking me?"

(Y/N): "No, I'm just stating facts"

Hinata: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "It means, that you are short and that's a fact, what can you do about it, but besides that, your height doesn't really matter, what matters is what you can achieve with effort and things you have."

Hinata: "You really mean this?"

He asked you with sparkly eyes.

(Y/N): "Of course I mean it. It's just truth."

Under Eyes of a Tactician (Haikyuu x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now