... a Bond to break Walls

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Afternoon training still in session. Suga and Tanaka yawn, while you try to hold the yawn in simultaneously sleepily wobbling.

Sawamura: „You guys sound sleepy."

Sugawara&Tanaka&Y/N: „Huh?!/Wha-?!"

Sugawara: „Oh, y-you think so? Maybe I studied too much."

Tanaka: „M-Me, too. I studied..."

Sugawara: „[Whisper] Nobody will buy that from you!"

Tanaka: „Huh?"

You yawn this time audibly.

Sawamura: "And you, why are you sleepy?"

Y/N: "Well, I will not make some unbelievable excuses, like certain someone..."

Tanaka: "Hey!"

Your face turned serious

Y/N: "I pulled an all-nighter playing video games"

Sawamura: "Hahahaha, well you are still a first-year so something like that is understandable. Just don't overdo it you three."

Tanaka: "[Whisper] That was good."

Sugawara: "[Whisper] You really came up with a good excuse"

Y/N: "[Whisper] As I already said, this is not exactly an excuse.."

Sugawara&Tanaka: "Huh?"

Tsukishima: „Excuse me."

Sawamura: „Hey, you made it. These are the first-year students who'll be joining us. New club members were supposed to be introduced next week, but we're having a match this Saturday. That'll be the true test of your skills."

Narita: „They're big."

Ennoshita: „Yeah."

Tsukishima&Yamaguchi: „Pleased to meet you."

Y/N: "So these are Shoyo's and Kageyama's, opponents..... Why do I feel that tall blondie will be a handful?"

You turned to the newly arrived fellow first years.

Y/N: "Hey, my name's L/N Y/N, and I'm another first year here, nice to meet you."

You extended your hand for a handshake but you were met with an indifferent face that refused to shake your hand

Tsukishima: "Tsukishima Kei, class 1-4"

Yamaguchi: "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, same class"

After introductions, you still waited for Tsukishmia to shake your hand, but he just walked away. Yamaguchi shook your hand taking your energy with the hope of getting it to Tsukishima, but again Tsukki just slapped it away.


~~Timeskip brought to you by Y/N intensely starring at Tsukishima during practice for not~~ ~~shaking his hand~~

Late afternoon, middle of the practice. Everyone takes a break to wipe sweat, drink water, and stretch a bit. You start to approach that captain.

Y/N: "Captain, I have a request"

Sawamura: "What is it Y/N?"

Y/N: "Can I take a longer break? I really want to check up on those two..."

Sawamura: "You mean Kageyama and Hinata, right? In that case, I will give you some time"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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