And the ball flies...

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Location: volleyball stadion. Time: unkown.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is just amazing. A Wild Horse of this tournament is doing so well against one of the top teams." - one of the commentators said

"Yes indeed, their ace is amazing." - said the second one

"To think that his career skyrocketed in high school" - the first one answered

"Look he is preparing to serve another ball"

3 person POV

A young man calmly readies himself, waiting for the whistle. His teammates giving him looks of trust. The whistle is blown. The man smirks and throws the ball to do a jump serve.

"Look at this incredible and unique serving form" - one of the commentators loudly said

But the man didn't care. He was focused on his target. Once he hit the ball, it quickly flew to the other side. The enemy libero seemed to receive it correctly, but the ball bounced from him into the net, falling to the ground. Everything according to the server plan. Enemy Libero and his teammates had a look of pure dread and fear on their faces. Even the young man's teammates were surprised. The public was shocked.  Commentators were at a loss for words. Hall fell silent until this young man made a powerful roar. A roar of a beast, so strong and terrifying that it even shook the ground, piercing the heavy atmosphere. Then fans cried in amazement, praise, and words expressing shock. The enemies stood silent. Although it was only the first set it made quite an impact. The young man looked at the scoreboard and seen the score. 25 to 0. He smiled knowing the amazing win he just achieved for his team.

"Tru-truly amazing, incredible, I can't even put in the words" - the first commentator started

"His amazing skill gave his team the first set" - the second one continued

"They won only by him serving undeceivable serves" - said the first one

"He truly is worthy of his title" - the second one continued

"HE TRULY IS THE DRAGON EMPEROR" - both of the shouted


A wise volleyball player was once asked, what in his opinion was the greatest feeling in a game. His answer was interesting.

 " Some say that the best feeling is to make a perfect spike, a perfect toss, a perfect receive, or just plainly winning. But in my opinion, all those things come down to one thing, succeeding in doing something. And for me, the greatest feeling is exactly that, to succeed. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you set your mind to do it, the feeling you get when you succeed is incomparable, exhilarating. So no matter what never stop, push forward, because at the end you will definitely see the apex of yourself."

 Young people living by these words will understand this. When you finally achieve your success, after comes one thing - hunger, measurable hunger for even more success.......


This chapter serves as a sort of prologue and foreshadowing.

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