Stuck at home

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I sit there clinging to Corey as my eyes become heavy. I feel like at any moment I'll pass out, and it's irritating. I wanna play, I wanna feel his hands on my cheek. For him pat me....I don't want to....As these thoughts fill my head, I pass out.
The next moment I wake up to the smell of pine. I snuggle into my pillow, why is this pillow hard? I rub my eyes and sit up to be met with a sleeping Corey. Wha-whaaaaaaaaat! I internally panic as I realize I was sleeping beside him. I quickly get up and run downstairs. I see my mom in the kitchen.

Ha, yeah in the freakin kitchen like there wasn't a stranger in my bed. I hesitantly walk up to her and take a deep breath. "Ma, hello" I wave to get her attention, she turns around and flashes me this crooked smile. "Yes dear" ha....I messed up, "how did I get home?". I managed to ask taking a step back. "Well, let's see, I got a call from school telling me that you were sick and then you got dropped off".When she's done I realize that she didn't mention Corey at all. Wait does she not know he's here? But how? That would mean that this "smile" is for something else . I take another step back before asking, "what's that look for?". She then tells me how pissed off she is that she got a call from, Mr. Hiven. He told her that I was close to failing and wasn't paying attention in class. Honestly I couldn't even say anything about that. I didn't like his class and I procrastinated a lot when it came to doing his work. Most of the time I had my earphones in . Of course I wasn't going to tell her that though. So, I give her this apologetic look and tell her I'm gonna do better.
She sighs and send me to my room, saying I can't go out until my grades go up.

       I quickly go upstairs and lock my door. Ok, ok let's take a breath , I sit down frustrated. Why is Corey in my room? I sigh and get up as I walk to the bed and wake up Corey. As he wakes up I can tell just by how he said "what?" That he's pissy ( just another word for annoyed)
Which I honestly don't have time for, I roll my eyes and tell him to get up. "Why are you HeRe?" I ask tired and irritated.  He looks at me as he gets up and runs his fingers through his hair. "If you must know YOU wouldn't let me leave", "What are you talkin about?". "When I came to check on you after dropping you off, you clung to me and said that you'd throw a fit if I left before you fell asleep. It was dark and I was exhausted so I fell asleep, ". I slump in my chair and scoff , what the hell is going on. I try to make since of what happened but my mind keeps racing. As I try peacing things together Corey climbs out the window. " Dude, what the hell!", "what? want me to walk through the front door while your mom's home?".

Moments later ~

      I sit in my room scrolling through Instagram. I had to stay home since the whole runt thing hasn't fully calmed down yet.
Ya know what, I should start learning about this crap, shouldn't I?.....I sigh and start to read up on the secondary gender. For a second, just for a second, I wasn't, I was gonna pretend that it wasn't happening.  Maybe then I wouldn't have to do so much, but I know that every time I see his face I'll remember. The more I read the sleepier I get, I mean it just isn't that interesting. So I hop on insta before falling asleep. As I feel my eye's closing I feel myself slowly being wrapped up. Inside a blanket or crazy and warm causing me to relax.

o-o I know this is pretty short compared to the other chapter,  buuuut it's going somewhere 😩

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