Who do you belong to?

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_The picture has nothing to do with the story I just couldn't help myself 🤭😝. _

     I try to stop the shacking but it just gets worse. I start to pant and feel my body get drowsy. Then suddenly the teacher walks in with this guy and damn! I can't, he was tall for no reason and so damn hot. As he walked in I couldn't keep my eyes off him. It was like a magnetic pull keeping him in my vision.
I come back to my sinces and look away quickly. What the fuck!, I start breathing havey and put my head down. This is to much, I try hard to stop the shaking in my legs that now only seem to be getting worse.

Then suddenly I hear someone tap on my desk. I lift my head up and, there he was. Just sittin there ,like he's got no care in the world. "Hey my names Corey, guess where gonna be desk mates huh", he says with this stupid smirk on his face that makes me wanna punch him. "Yeah I guess so" I try pulling my eyes away from him quickly. Just to not be able to remember to much. But the moment my head goes back onto my desk. My mind is flooded with him. Ha, as if my eyes didn't trace his outline as they undressed him.
As if I didn't notice how the sun bounced off his tan skin, from the moment he walked in. I bite my lip as hard as I can, waiting for the day to be over already.  Through out class my teacher said nothing, maybe thought i had a headache. Either way I don't care, I just wanna go home already.


  Soon the bell rings and I quickly stand and scatter to get my things. As I make my way to the door I get this sudden urge to stop. When I say urge, it's more like my body decided to stop ALL on it's own. No matter how hard I tried to move my legs they wouldn't budge. I bite my lip and then start to move my leg, finally I'm able to move again! I start walking to my next class when I hear laughter down the hall. I roll my eyes and keep walking cause honestly I don't got the time for it.
After two other classes it was time for lunch.  I go meet up with Beck , we start walking and I start feeling refreshed.  Uhh , finally I can relax, no more shaky legs or randomly stopping.  We sit down and laugh our asses off at the most stupidest crap. "Ok, ok but you gotta admit she really stupid for stayin wit him", " yeah but you know what they say ~love~ makes you do stupid stuff ". We laugh and spill hella tea. Turns out Beck's kitten's birthday is coming up. So they wants to suprise them by bringing them sweets to school.  Now isn't that just adorable.

   As we talk I get this tingling sensation. Followed by this hotness , burning all over me. "Hey rena", I jump a little in suprise. The sudden hotness of his breath on my ear sends shivers down my spine. "H-hey wassup ", I say trying to stop my now shaking legs. I look over at Beck who is eyeing Corey up. "Nothin much, um can we talk?", he ask with that stupid smirk from earlier. "I'm busy right now ", ohhh hell yeah, I said no, fuck these stupid feelings ain't no one gonna push me around.....*inner self* ~girl calm ya self~.

I take a deep breath and go back to talking when he leans over me and whispers. "Oh but I really wanna talk to you, won't you stand up~", I bite my lip and shiver. I know that I shouldn't get all flustered over somthin like him whispering in my ear. But it's something about the way he said it. I go to part my lips and say no. When suddenly I stand up, I freaken stand up! My whole body disobeys me and does what he asks, it irritates me. I feel myself shaking and honestly I'm not sure if it's from anger or lust. But I turn around and say" FINE we can talk, I'll be back soon beck". When I say this beck gives me this worried look. I tell them it's cool and walk off with corey.
We wind up in the part of the court yard, were no one is really at. I huff and ask "so what's sooo important that you wanna talk about ?". He puts on that stupid smirk again and says "I'm just curious, I can tell that your friend beck is a "master" and that their girlfriend is a sub. Not sure if they're a pet but I think they are". I'm taken aback by what he just said. How the hell did he know that? OMG, I gotta go tell them right now. I start to panic but then I realize, wait it's his first day there's no way he knows. He's gotta be bluffing, but why tho? I try playin it cool and strug it off "oh". Which throws him off or so I thought cause he, then gets up and pats my head. Which send shivers down my spind and I whimper a little when he stops. Fuck, he chuckles and walks away as if he got his answer. Oh that freaken prick as if he know anything.

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