Tell me more part 1

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I relax and enjoy the moment as is letting go. In a way, it reminds me of the comforting feeling I got when I leaned...never mind.
Beck tells me about how them and their girlfriend is doing. It was cute and sweet, honestly I love how they love on each other.

I rub my eyes and look over to see Corey sitting down beside me.
Hold up, why is he sitting beside me like we're friends. "What do you want" I ask a little irritated, he sucks his teeth and doesn't answer. Oh whoah so he's just gonna ignore me. I push his shoulder lightly "hey I asked you a question".
He scoffs and says "we're partners remember, I don't have much of a choice". Why does he seem irritated? As I think this beck snickers looking over at me. They get up and grab my hand "we gotta go" I'm a little confused but I follow them. Me and beck walked ahead of Corey who insisted on following us. As we walked beck leand over and whimpers " you two are kinda cute". When they say this I feel my cheeks heat up, "what are you talking about?!?".

"Oh com on!", they go on to dramatically tell me how obvious it is that we have feelings for each other. Which is kinda ehh, since we don't even know each other. Buuut then again this is a romance fic soooo-

We walk laughing and bumping into each other. Somewhere along the line corey joined in, it wasn't weird or anything. It was quite natural how we played and had this flirty banter going on. For the rest of the day I didn't think much of the partner thing. And since he corey didn't bring it up I guess neither did I. Although without missing a beat he made sure I did basic things. Like, drink water, get what I need out my locker and get to my classes on time. He even gave me head pats for doing good on my math test. Just remembering it makes me smile a little. The bell rings and I get ready to leave, I get up and beck links arms with me. Then quickly speeds walks to their care....huuuuh?
They push me in the car next to their girlfriend kitty. "What's going on?", beck looks back at me with this stupid grin, that I swear I've seen before. "Gay have to be kidding me", "what are you talking about?". Beck starts driving, "so when were you gonna tell me you and corey where dating?". Oook this is...I'm so confused. "Tsk, pumkin I literally saw how y'all was all day..think about it". I take a minute..wait, ok yeah they did kinda treat me like we're dating. But not really I mean that's just being nice right? Pluse the whole partner thing.
The whole ride beck told me how obvious it was that,he cared about me.

          That even if just a little, I was slipping into little space. That he had this way of calming me, which I  figured came with the whole care giver thing. I shrug it off as we roll up to my house and I hop out. Once I get home I run upstairs to my room strip. Yes strip and slip into an oversize sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. I sigh and take a minute before thinking about what I'm gonna do. Because of this whole partner thing I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of Corey. Honestly it's not like I hate him or anything. Things are just going a little to fast for me. I decided to relax and take a nap.

Soon I awake to the sound of stone's against my window. I get up  sleepily, walking over to it, only to see Corey. He smiled brightly like, a little kid that's come up with the best plan. I laugh and snort a little at how weird and corny he is. I open the window and whisper yell. "What are you doing here?", corey struggs as he climbs up into my room through my window. I watch in aw at how bold he is, letting himself in. "Cause I wanted to check up on you", as he says this he gets a little shy. He looks me over then sits on my bing bag.
"Did you drink any water today, other then when I gave you some of mine?", he suddenly ask. I lie and say yes, I don't know why I lied I just did. But when I do, Corey's eye's narrow as he stands up slowly stepping close to me.

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