Christmas side story

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"Come now little one, it's time to get up" Corey shacks me awake gently. I was wrapped up in my blanket like a cinnamon roll. I sit up and rub my eye's "jus a wittle mowr", I lean on papa's chest and snuggle in. "No, time to get up" papa scoops me up and walks to the bathroom. I pout and huff, I didn't wanna get up yet it's cold and I'm sleepy. Papa helps me brush my teeth and get dressed. I look down at him and smile as he lotions up my legs. And to think at first I was so on guard around him.

I giggle and flapp my sleeves, " aw looks like someone's fully awake now". I nod and hop off the bed once he's done. As we walk down the stairs I smell hot coco and I run down. I run to the table and see breakfast and hot coco. I hop happily to my seat and see my stuffie strawberry there. I turn to Corey with a big smile on my face and he snickers. "Happy? I want you to have a good time this is our first Christmas together after all". I was very happy, if it was before I would've never been able to be little like this. I wouldn't have been able to be bratty and pout if I didn't want to do something. I wouldn't have been able to eat whatever I wanted or hop around. And I especially wouldn't have been able to be this childish.
Corey pulls out my seat for me and cuts up my pancakes for me. As we eat we talk and laugh. I tell him about how I wanted to go out and run around to day. He laughed and said of course I do since I do run almost everyday.

After eating I help papa wash the dishes. "Come my love" he says taking a seat on the couch. I walk over and kneel infront of him happily waiting. He smiles softly down at me and places my forest green collar around my neck. It's colds and light, tight but not to tight, with a moon charm. This is our outside collar. I wiggles happily as he gives me gentle head pats and tells me how handsome I look in it. He always does this, he makes a count to remind me every time despite me being so feminine.
I giggle and run to the door slipping on my shoes. Papa throws me over his shoulder and starts running out the door. We play and run around in the grass. We even splash in the puddles.

~moments later~

"If you want to be even more comfy why not get your squish?", I run to the room and grab my octopus stuffie. His names squish as you've heard. I run the come to a stop and crawl into the fort. I snuggle up to papa and he presses play. Brave starts and I'm ingrossed, I rub my eye's and hold onto his arm. We eat snacks as I point in awe to a movie I've seen a thousand times already. But I can't help it, it's my comfort movie. Why are we watching this you may ask, welll cause something ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE is about to happen. Papa is going back to work!! I know, I know horrible right?!?. But I can handle it, I'll get throw it. Sooo we're trying to enjoy this time together as much as possible.
We lean back and cuddle.
I giggles and draw circles into his hand just experiencing him.
I don't know how to explain how I feel at this moment but..his touch pierces through my skin like gentle swords. When he speaks its like something I've been waiting to hear. Oh and when we dance, ahh when we dance it's like a silly joke that only we get. And I know that makes no sense but that how he makes me feel. All budged up making no sense what so ever yet so sure of what's happening.
Soon I get sleepy sink into his chest unable to keep my eyes open.

Still thinking of what's gonna happen next but until then here you goooo

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