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Just at the same time Mara entered the cafeteria and witnessed a girl leaving Bianca and when she looked towards the line where Adrienne was coming from while giggling at whatever a certain Arabic looking guy had said, jealousy consumed her as she watched. Rome noticed the change on her face and asked her using a caring voice as he held her shoulder like any good friend would. Mara sensed the worry in his voice and decided not to voice her insecurities as she inwardly told herself that they could talk to anyone as long as they were not exclusive right so she should not act like a possessive girlfriend or anything.

Yeah, am fine. Why are you asking anyways?” She asked as she looked towards him forcing a smile on her face. Rome knew better then pressure her and decided to let her be and time will do the rest for both of them. He knew that time waits for no man but he had already made up his mind that with Mara there was no hurry to do anything. “It’s nothing, you just zoned out on me so I was worried you were lost in your thoughts. But anyways let’s go to the line and grab our food.”  He told her as he had already began making his way towards the line but stooped when he noticed that Mara was not following him and gave her a questioning look.
Actually, you go ahead my roommates already got me my food.” She told him before heading towards Bianca and Adrienne who had now noticed her and were giving Rome death glares that screamed of pure malice and jealousy having forgotten about their previous actions before her arrival. As she walked towards them, she noticed the way they were looking at Rome and could not stop herself from smirking. At least they cared enough to feel jealous just like her.
The rest of the meal was actually funny as the two placed her in the middle. Time to time she would feel hands on her thighs as the two girls would squeeze her tightly as if confirming that she was still there. This caused her to blush hard that one of the other students asked her if she had a fever since her face was red almost like a tomato. Embarrassed she assured him that she was alright while in the meantime Bianca and Adrienne pretended to be oblivious to her and pretended to check if she did have a fever.

But during all that time they had smirks on their faces which confirmed to Mara that they did enjoy her shyness as they felt the need to state that they were in control of her even though she had no problem being the girly girl acting view of their relationship if it was one anyway at all. Soon as she had finished her food Bianca whispered in her ear and said “Go to our cabin now we are coming.”  To the eyes of other people, it looked like Mara had been told something embarrassing as she walked out the room blushing wondering why they did not want to walked together with her.

Little did she know that the two girls had one of their hands clenched under the table as a way to prevent themselves from ripping her clothes right now and their as dark and sensual thoughts clouded their minds. It is during these moments that Adrienne understood how difficult it was for men who found themselves in these situations. Being overly possessive and turned on by the simplest of things such as a blush and a caress on the hand. Bianca was also dealing with her own thoughts as most times it was usually the other way around. She was used to the act of seduction that she used to entice guys and girls all the time to initiate anything but with Mara she realized that she was no longer the hunter but the prey. And the good side was that Mara was not even aware or else she and Adrienne would end up having blue balls if it was possible in women.
As they walked towards the cabin it took everything in them not to run towards the cabin as they had become consumed with lust that it reeked in their pants. No sooner had they closed the door than did Mara found herself trapped between the two of them shocked at the roughness that they used. “What has gotten into the two of you that you are so possessive and hungry for me?” But that only seemed to encouraged them as if she had instead told them that they were not rough enough with her. Not that Mara was complaining but this sudden attacking and eagerness was new to her as she had thought last night that the two preferred tempting her to initiate everything before taking control.

However, before things could get any heated a knock at the door startled the three of them making them jump apart while still having labored breaths due to having the deep and intense kissing that they just had. Adrienne who was the first one to compose herself walked to the door to see who had the audacity to   cock-block her when she could barely keep her hands to herself as it was already. But when she saw Muhammad at the door, she was worried that he might have heard what happened. Not that she was ashamed of Mara and Bianca or anything but she just was not ready to announce herself to everyone.

How can I help you, Muhammad?” She asked while giving him a forced smile due to the sudden visit that she clearly had no intention of having ever continue. From inside the cabin Mara frowned as she wondered who Adrienne was talking to and decided to walk to her but Bianca grabbed her hand to prevent her. When Adrienne turned around after finishing her conversation, she turned towards them then locked the door and said “It seems that the camp counselor is calling everyone at the square.” However, when she saw the expressions on their faces, she had no idea what was wrong and so she had to ask. “What is wrong with you guys?”

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