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Mara was the first one to voice her insecurities by walking to Adrienne and looking into her eyes before asking “Who was that guy?” Adrienne was surprised by the question but she did not let it get noticed as she calmly answered “A friend. Who I met a few minutes ago?”
Mara could not believe her ears when she heard the word friend from Adrienne. Her whole life of knowing Adrienne that was the first time she heard her say she had made a friend in minutes. So, who could blame her the moment she snapped with annoyance? “Since when did you begin having friends who are hot guys Adrienne?”

Adrienne was used to creating lies most of her life to suit her purpose, for that was the one thing she learnt from her manipulative parents. But the look in Mara’s eyes told her to think twice. But as she wanted to open her mouth no words came out and Mara just laughed at that and said almost in a whisper “That’s what I thought.”

Without another word Mara was soon out the door but when Adrienne tried to chase after her, Bianca grabbed her arm. “What do you want?” Was what coming out of her mouth even before she could stop herself as she continued trying to yank her hand from Bianca’s grasp. With very little effort however Bianca was able to push her back against the wall. “Can you please relax Adri!!”

Adri tried giving Bianca her meanest glare but that was all in vain as Bianca just remained smiling at her with a knowing glance on her face that said ‘what the hell was that?’ Sometimes it would make one wonder what these two had in common but who knows what the heart itself wants as it’s so secretive. Bianca in the end decided to let go of her hand as she brushed her hair back and was about to say something when Adri beat her to it and whispered in a low and ashamed voice “Besides you were also flirting earlier with that girl, who knows maybe she is asking around for your room.’’ That just earned her a scoff as Bianca thought it was impossible.
However, sometimes the saying might really come in handy as just as Bianca finished her statement a knock was heard on the door that made all of them turn their faces to the door. “Were you expecting him again?’’ Bianca spoke without thinking as to her knowledge she had invited no one over. Adri clenched her fists and fought with her emotions not to strangle her right there and then, as she realized that she and Bianca would never had gotten along were it not for Mara who was what connected them and made it easier for them to stand one another. In the end Bianca decided to be the mature one and go check who was at the door. The next words that Adri heard before the door was completely ajar was “Speaking of the devil indeed.’’

Hey Samantha what are you doing here?’’ she asked with a wide smile on her face that was to make her think she was glad to see her but inside her mind Bianca was just groaning at the bad timing of the beautiful girl in front of her. “I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me at the square and continue our chat.’’ Inside the room Adri just listened to the conversation and hoped that mara had not forgotten anything as that would make the situation worse if she caught Bianca talking to the girl a few minutes after running out due to a similar situation from her. Instead, as she glanced at the top bunk, she saw Mara’s drawing pad and screamed inwardly at the bad luck that they were having today.
She walked towards the door in an attempt to tell Bianca to cut the conversation short in fear that Mara might come back for her drawing pad and catch them talking and get more ideas that would totally mess things up. No sooner, had she reached them than ahead of them she saw Mara staring right at them with eyes that seared with hatred and pain that she knew first hand was due to her thinking they were playing with her feelings. And yet Adri knew that partly it was true as she was a coward at coming to terms to the fact, she liked girls. While Bianca was the type that couldn’t miss the chance to flirt and that she also knew was a dangerous game when dealing with someone so unsure of herself like Mara.

Before she could call out her name Mara ran away from them even before Bianca got the chance to see her. “Mara, wait she’s not doing what your thinking,’’ Adri shouted as she rushed past Samantha and Bianca and ran after her but not before giving Bianca a look that said get rid of that girl. Without worrying whether Samantha would be offended she told her that she would talk to her later and closed the door before running towards the girls who had rocked her world last night. As she ran away, she could not notice the smile that sat on Samantha’s face as she took out her phone and dialed a number before the words became a whisper even I as the author heard only one word at this moment “Abel…’’ After completing her conversation, she returned the phone into her pocket and headed towards the square for the meeting that had been called.

After Mara had run out of their room the first time she went to the place where she had gone to look at the sun rising and setting and cried out her anger. She blamed her fragile heart for believing that two beautiful girls such as Adrienne and Bianca could ever really fall for her. And yet one thing still did not make sense, had it been Bianca she would have understood as she was the more direct and confusing at times but Adri that was new. Well, she could be cruel but Adri never hooked up with guys she did not know anything about no matter how much her body got aroused, hence she could bravely conclude that Adri had no part in the guys coming over to their cabin.

She decided to draw so as to cool of her mind before heading to the square but as she searched her dress pocket her drawing pad was not there. Realizing that she must have left it on her bed during the hazy make out session she had first had with the others. She got up and decided to go and get it and if she was relaxed enough, she would have a talk with them. But when she got near the cabin what she saw made her heart feel stabbed even more as there right before her eyes was Bianca talking with the girl, she had seen her with at the cafeteria. Was she really that just no more than a toy that they could not tell her to the face she was nothing to them?

She felt herself overwhelmed with hatred and pain as she watched Bianca and just at that same moment the door accompanied someone else who locked eyes with her immediately as if she had come out already expecting her to be there. Adri then shouted “Mara, wait she’s not doing what you’re thinking.’’ However, Mara had no interest to hear what she had to say as she was already running away and if she was not mistaken, she was sure that Adri was following her while shouting her name. Adri was never one whose physical practice went beyond cheerleading but it was during this moment she wished that she was athletic because now she realized how embarrassing it was. Too think that she had had an early start than Bianca she was surprised to see she had already caught up with her even though they had lost sight of Mara and were now panting for breath.

Meanwhile Mara had gone to the same place but imagine her surprise to see Rome there with a song playing on his phone as the wind just calmly blew by. She wished she was attracted to him, no loved him instead but her heart had already made a dangerous choice. Sensing her presence Rome got up and hugged the crying girl who placed her head on her shoulder that she was not able to see his smirk that screamed of pure ecstasy and malice. Her eyes then just closed as the next song began.

You got me some type of way hmm,
Ain’t used feeling this way mm mm,
I don’t know what to say ya ya,
But I know I shouldn’t think about it,
Take one fucking look at your face hm,
And I want to know how you taste mm,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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