OVA: Valentine's Day Special

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Yue sprinted down the guild hall, throwing candy everywhere. "Yey! It be Lovey and Candy Day!" She squealed, bouncing up and down like the bubbly girl she was.

I couldn't contain my laughter as I struggled to catch up to her. Obviously Natsu and Happy were stuffing their faces with candy. Many of the other guild members, however, were chatting.

As I stopped to catch my breath, I could see Yue whispering to Mira. They both had devious looks on their faces. Mira caught me staring and smirked. She did a "come here" gesture, and I complied.

When I got there, Mira filled me in. "So this is it. We are enacting "Mission: Get Ships Together"! On the list today is NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, and Jerza. I secretly invited Jellal...kukuku. Do whatever you can to make them have love...and possibly many babies!" Mira grinned devilishly.

I groaned. Now I was a part of this too?! Mira pumped her fist and whisper-yelled, "Mission, START!" She went over to Natsu and Lucy, who were awkwardly staring away from each other.

Yue went over to Erza, who was standing alone. Maybe Jellal didn't arrive yet?

I didn't know what to do, but soon I spotted Juvia chasing after Gray. "Gray-sama!!! Juvia made you some heart shaped cookies!" Gray looked scared as he ducked under a table, avoiding Juvia. Hmm...those two could use some pointers. I mean, I suppose I wasn't a matchmaker, but at least I knew the basics of love.

I ran in front of Juvia, hoping she would stop. But she still had hearts in her eyes, looking for Gray, and she slammed right into me. We tumbled onto the ground in a heap of arms and legs.

"Oww..." I groaned, me being the one stuck under Juvia. The hearts in her eyes popped and she looked around in confusion until she spotted me.

"O-oh! Gomennasai, Kirito-san! I was just looking for my Gray-sama..." Juvia pouted childishly. Before she could continue searching, I grabbed her arm.

"E-eh?!" Juvia shied away from me. "J-Juvia is only meant for Gray-sama...gomen, Kirito-san..."

I facepalmed. "Iie, Juvia. I'm not in love with you, I just want to give you some pointers on love."

Juvia immediately perked up. "Y-you mean...how to get Gray-sama to love me?!" Juvia squealed, dozing off into her Gray-sama dreamland.

I shrugged. "I guess. But first of all, you have to stop chasing Gray. You have to take a more normal approach. Maybe walk up to him. And no squealing or 'Gray-sama's. That'll discourage him," I suggested.

Juvia nodded while biting her lip. I guess it was hard to get rid of her habits. But she seemed confident enough, so I pointed to Gray, who was still hiding under the table.

Juvia strode over to Gray at a slower pace, and she stopped after reaching the table. Instead of dragging him out or squealing, she waited...uncomfortably. I was guessing she would get impatient after awhile.

Gray, surprised by the sudden antic, scrambled out from under the table and was greeted by a shy-looking Juvia. "J-Juvia!" He stammered.

Juvia blushed, and held her hands close to her heart, squeezing them tightly. "U-um...Juvia...u-u-um...Juvia would like to say...that Ju-I like you a lot...and maybe we can spend some time together on Valentine's Day?" Juvia asked, her face turning red.

Even I was surprised. Juvia managed to talk in first person, and not her usual third person.

Gray was shocked as well, and he turned a deep shade of scarlet. "U-umm...s-sure...? How about we take a walk to the park?"

Juvia nodded shyly. Gray reached out his hand for Juvia's. The bluenette shakily took his hand, and they walked out of the guild, both blushing madly.

I clapped. That was a success...wait...am I turning into a matchmaker?! N-no...of course not...right?

I stumbled around, having a small argument in my head when I bumped into Erza. "Oh, Kirito-kun! What's going on?"

I scratched my head, laughing nervously. "E-etto...nothing really...u-umm..." I staggered past her, still arguing in my head until I spotted a bluenette just staring into space. He had this red mark under his eye...wait...it was Jellal!

I think an evil part of my brain must've clicked in, because I rubbed my hands together, a smirk on my face. Literally, I had no control. I strode over to Jellal and poked him.

"Hmm?" Jellal turned to face me. "Oh, you must be a new member of Fairy a Tail. Nice to meet you, I'm Jell-" I interrupted him.

"Yes yes, that's great and all, but would you follow me for a second?" I didn't even wait for his reply. I dragged him over to where Erza was.

"U-uh...what are you doi-" I led him in front of me and pushed him forward. Erza turned around at the last second and was greeted by Jellal, who was staggering and falling.

Their lips made contact, and they were blushing madly as they shared an awkward kiss. When they broke apart, they stared at each other until Erza broke the silence. "Kirito-kun...you'd better run, because I'll get you!" Erza roared, sporting her famous monster face.

"A-aye!" I sprinted away, looking for Mira and Yue. I spotted them next to two closets, grinning.

"Daddy! Guess what? Mira-san and I put GaLe in one closet, and NaLu in the other! Now they make lots of babies!" Yue squealed.

I sweatdropped, panting. "R-really? Well I got Gruvia going on a walk together, and I got Jerza to kiss."

Mira clapped her hands. "I see the matchmaker has started to influence you. Good for you, Kirito-kun!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I sat down at the nearest table, trying to take deep breaths. Okay, matchmaker-side-of-my-brain. Calm down.

After finally being at ease, my mind drifted off to Asuna. It felt strange. My mental image of her was starting to get blurry. I could hardly picture her face anymore, even if I did love her.

My heart ached to see her again. Yet, I knew I couldn't leave until I fulfilled my role.

I clenched my fist with a smile on my face. 'Asuna, we will see each other again. I promise you, I swear on my heart. And I hope you know that I'm thinking of you on Valentine's Day, and I'll always love you, no matter what.'
Sorry for the late and crappy update ._. I'm so sorry for making all of you wait! I'm just having some difficulties. And also, I've been obsessed with making covers.

I will post the next chapter hopefully soon. In the meantime, I will be starting a Fairy Tail fanfic about Lucy-gets-kicked-out-blah-blah-blah. But I assure you, it will not be cliche.

That's all from me. Happy late Valentine's Day,

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