Chapter 3

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(Story will be in Kirito's POV unless said otherwise)
"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard Yue wail. I tried to open my mouth, but I couldn't. My entire body felt numb, and I found that my breathing was ragged and shallow. Suddenly, I felt a giant splash of hot water all over me. My limbs started moving again, and I struggled to sit up. I coughed up some blood and noticed I was lying in a pool of red liquid...probably blood.

"Seriously?! How is it that I just hit the floor, and it causes...THIS?" I indicated towards the blood.

"I don't know was probably not caused by the force of your head hitting the floor. Maybe something inside your head stimulated some sort of reaction," Yue shrugged. (A/N I swear I almost typed Yui this time)

'Yeah, like maybe that really crappy prophecy thing in my head. Is it about me? It mentioned "black swordsman",' I wondered.

Yue summoned up a giant ball of water that absorbed the blood, and it dissipated in a bunch of sparkles. "Daddy...are you sure you're okay?" She whispered.

"You know, I honestly don't know anymore," I sighed. "Why don't we just go back to the guild," I suggested.

She nodded, and we headed towards the front door. I picked her up and spread my Spriggan wings. I shot into the sky and in no time, I was at Fairy Tail.

I descended landed on the ground. My wings disappeared and we walked into the guild. "Hey minna," I smiled.

"Kirito! How's your house?" Wakaba grinned (Another A/N I swear to the Gods of Olympus that I put House your how's but then I realized my mistake).

"Eh...It's big and nice,'s fine," I replied. "It's fine?! That's your reaction? You know, you're like one of the only people to have such a big house," Wakaba complained, then continued chatting with Macao. I shrugged.

"Kirito-san!" Wendy ran up to me. "Yeah, Wendy-chan?" I asked.

"Erza-san said we'll be going on a job request. She said it might be good for you to experience one, since you're now a Fairy Tail member," Wendy explained.

"Hai, I'll go with you guys. It's been a while since I had a good fight," I chuckled. Wendy cheered and led me to Erza, who was at the request board.

"Kirito-san, have a look at this request and tell me if it's good," Erza handed me a slip of paper. It said, "Please get rid of the dark guilds in Sapphira Town. They are destroying everything. Reward~ 1,000,000 jewels"

"Nani?! So many jewels! If we choose this, then Lucy can pay off her rent for a while," I suggested.

"Yeah! Otherwise the landlady will kick me out!" Lucy whined.

"Alright, it's decided! Team Natsu will choose this request," Erza said, handing it to Mira, who approved.

Finally, Natsu burst into the guild, panting. "Whew! I made it!" Happy collapsed on the ground. "Aye...that was tiring."

"What took you so long, Flame Brain? We were almost going to leave without you!" Gray chastised.

"Don't 'Flame Brain' me! I was eating some drumsticks, but then I ran out, so I went to the store to buy some, then I ate more, and then I realized that Erza wanted me here!!!" Natsu complained.

"It's your own dam fault for eating too much and becoming a fat jerk!" Gray retorted.

"Shut up, Ice Princess! Wanna go?!" Natsu yelled.

"Hell yeah! Bring it, loser!" Gray returned.

They were about to fight when I grabbed their collars. "Can we please just go to Sapphira Town now without you two bickering?" I sighed.

"Kirito-san, looks like you did my job for me. Just drag them onto the train, they won't mind...well, actually Natsu will complain a lot, but ignore him," Erza mused.

"NUUUUUUU!!!!! NOT THE TRAIN!!!!!" Natsu screamed whilst I dragged him and Gray out the door. Yue giggled while tugging at Gray's ear. "Ice Princess has stretchy ear!" She giggled again.

I laughed to myself. 'It's been a while since I've been so lively with a guild,' I thought. I glanced at Erza. 'Thank you, Erza-san, for your friendship and for bringing me all of these new friends.'
-On the train-
"Urf..." Natsu groaned, his head turning blue.

"Gomennasai, Natsu-san, but I can't use Troia anymore. You've become immune to it," Wendy apologized. I could've sworn that I heard a small "Nooooo!" from Natsu.

I stared out the window. I didn't know how much time had passed in Japan. Was I here for days? Weeks? Perhaps even months, or years? For all I know, a century could have passed! I'm sure Asuna and Sugu-chan were worried. I wish they were here with me.

The train suddenly stopped. "Passengers, we have arrived at Sapphira Town," the speaker announced. We got up and filed out of the train, Natsu jumping out and shouting, "I'M FREE!"

"Stop acting like a total weirdo out here. You'll cause a commotion," Gray sniggered.

"Well you try having motion sickness. That blasted contraption just makes me want to barf," Natsu crossed his arms.

"Well I don't have motion sickness. Too bad, Natsu," Gray smirked.

"Shut up, Popsicle! Fight me!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh hell I will!" Gray shouted.

"ENOUGH!!!" Yue screamed. The two males instantly stopped. I have to admit, Yue did look scary. But where did that come from?! She sounded like Erza!

"Now you two better shut your worthless mouths or I will...and I suggest you don't choose option two, because I will do it the hard way," Yue snarled.

"A-aye!" The hugged each other.

"Yay! Now we go kick butts!" Yue cheered, skipping out of the train station. We all sweatdropped. So here's the diagram:

Cheerful little girl=>Young version of Erza=>Back to short attention spanned girl

"I've taught her well," Erza grinned proudly.

"E-eh?!" Lucy and Wendy widened their eyes.

"At the guild, I gave her a mini kick-Gray's-and-Natsu's-butts-when-they-don't-behave lesson," Erza had a evil glint in her eyes.

"Oh geez!" Natsu and Gray yelled, still hugging each other. Erza and I laughed, while Wendy and Lucy looked scared out of their minds. Happy flew around like nothing happened and Charla looked like she was saying "Knock some sense into those boys".

We finally made it to the town without any fighting. But it wasn't a pleasant sight. Many buildings were destroyed, and there weren't really any people. Until a man came out. "A-are you from a guild?" He asked fearfully.

Erza nodded. "We're from Fairy Tail," she stated. The man nodded in relief and pointed towards the buildings.

"They come every day at about noon, looking for someone by the name of "The Black Swordsman", the man whispered. I gulped, while Erza looked at me, puzzled.

"A-are you sure they're looking for that person?" I shakily questioned. The man nodded, confirming it. Holy sh*t.

The man looked at his watch. "O-oh no...I have to go...I'll leave the dark guilds in your capable hands," he said, running away. Three shadows emerged from behind us.

"Well well, who do we have here. A bunch of mages sent here to stop us. I wonder why that coward didn't call for any help earlier."
Finally, another chapter done!!! Whew, I kinda know how this story is going to end, but I'm having trouble planning the sequels...oh well, I'll figure it out! HumairaFitriyah , perhaps you could help me.

Kirito: Alyssa-san, you just HAD to make me the target. And I don't cuss.
Yue: Yay! I is very bossy!
Erza: *pats Yue* Good job teaching those idiots.
Gray and Natsu: *glares*
Erza and Yue: *glares scarier*
Gray and Natsu: *hug each other and run away*
Happy: Aye!
Me: I'll end this with the usual. Vote, comment, read, blah blah I will appreciate it. Bai~

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