Chapter 2

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*Kirito's POV*

" that's what magic is," I breathed. When we got back, the Master had given me a description of what magic in this world was like. It's slightly different from in ALO.

"How about you have a fight with one of our guild members? Maybe you'll discover what kind of magic you use," Makarov said. I nodded in agreement. I did want to know. Yue already told me what kind of magic she used, Ice Make Magic, Lunar Magic, Lunar Dragon Slaying Magic, and Water Magic. Though she said she wasn't very strong yet.

"Brats, which one of you guys want to battle Kirito?" Master yelled. Most people were silent, except for Natsu, who was jumping up and down, saying a belated "Me! Me!" "Alright Natsu," Master said. He led all of us outside to a small sparring field. We got on opposite sides, and Makarov yelled, "START!"

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu opened his mouth, and a blast of fire came out. Crap! I quickly dodged it, almost reaching for my swords, but then putting down my hands again. I wanted to test my magic power, not my swordsmanship.

I was a bit frustrated. How do you use magic?! Hum...maybe I can use Illusion Magic. That is a type of magic, right? But I'm guessing that I don't really have to chant the spell. I concentrated. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled, trying to punch me. But I dissipated upon contact. "Eh?!" Natsu looked around frantically. "Over here, Natsu!" I grinned, waving behind him. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" He yelled, arms engulfed in fire. Sadly, he hit the wrong one again. "Sorry Natsu, I'm behind you!" I shouted. Natsu turned around and gave an annoyed smile. "Huh...that was Letter Magic, right? Or was it Acid Magic..." He scratched his chin. "Illusion Magic, baka!" Everyone yelled. "Oh." Natsu grinned.

'Hmm...I bet there's another way to make a copy of myself without using Illusion Magic...' I thought. I closed my eyes again. "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" Natsu attacked. The flickering flames flew towards me. I opened my eyes and I split into two, avoiding the attack. *Snicker* "Hey Natsu, look, it's me!" Both of me smirked. "Nani?! Which is the real Kirito?" Natsu groaned. "So that's Thought Projection..." Master scratched his chin. I merged back into one.

' that I think about it...would a Sword Skill be considered Magic? Erza uses swords too..." I pondered. I shrugged. Maybe I'd try something simple, and not reveal Starburst Stream to everyone yet. "Sonic Leap!" I shouted, pointing Elucidator up to the sky. I leapt up and appeared right in front of Natsu, and did a vertical slash from top to bottom. Natsu recoiled and stumbled back, while I got back to my original position. Natsu groaned and grunted, "Nice shot. I'm hungry."

I sweatdropped. "...........Eh?" Erza facepalmed and dragged Natsu back into the guild. "Sorry, Kirito-kun," she apologized. I just scratched my head whilst the crowd began filing back into the guild.

" you know Illusion Magic, Thought Projection, and Sword Magic, plus you have wings..." Master muttered, deep in thought. "Yea! Daddy's so swaggy!" Yue exclaimed.

"..............Swag?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Yea! Yea! Swag!" Yue replied.
"............................." I didn't know what to say to that. I picked Yue up and we headed back into the guild.
"Here you are," Master said, handing me a key. After Master (somehow) converted some of my leftover Yrd into Jewels, he used it to buy Yue and I a house. Apparently he used it all up on a house almost the size of a mansion. I wouldn't have minded a small cabin, but unfortunately I didn't have a choice. *Sigh* I hope that Natsu won't sneak into my house and eat my food, like what he does to Lucy.

Yue wanted to check out the house, so I picked her up again and flew towards it. It wasn't a long fly away, but it was surrounded by a forest behind it and a clear stream running through the forest. It reminded me of what Asuna and I had in ALO. And then...I had a realization run through my head. "Wait...then I'm still on my bed, with the Amusphere on me, right?!" I shouted to myself.

"I don't think so, Daddy," Yue mumbled. I turned my attention to her. "Eh?"

"By my calculations, your body has completely vanished from Japan and has been transported here. So basically, you are in your real body right now, with all of your Virtual MMORPG skills," she babbled.

"How do you know this?!" My eyes widened. "Cuz I is smart! I has a ALO chip in brain!" She squealed.

'Oh geez...Sugu-chan must be so worried, just like during SAO," I thought. I landed at the entrance of the giant house and inserted the key. The door flew open to reveal what looked like a mansion. "Whoa..." I breathed. According to Master, the house even had an indoor swimming pool, a training center, and a real comfy bed.

Yue wandered off to eat while I went to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and held my head.'s been seriously painful. Suddenly, a voice boomed in my head,

"Many dark guilds seek this magic,
But their actions will cause something tragic.
The black swordsman is the key to this uprising,
The final event might truly be surprising...

Everything started to get blurry. I stood up and held the wall for support as I tried to make my way to the door. But my hand slackened and I collapsed, my head hitting the floor.
Sorry that this fanfic might be on hold for a while! I'm really busy, and I don't have much time for updating, especially when I have a bunch of stories to work on. I will occasionally be updating this, because I feel this fanfic has a really good idea. I'm going to dedicate this to HumairaFitriyah because she is very encouraging, and got me to publish this part!


Fairy Tail Online Book 1: The Hunt {TheAnimeWattys2015} DISCONTINUED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now