Harold Fern

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Unable to sleep for days after my Father's visit, I retreat downstairs at half past five in the morning after dressing into an old pair of ripped jeans and a burgundy jumper which used to belong to one of the twins (in a time before Molly marked it with their initials to tell them apart).

I settle down in the kitchen next to Tonks, who sports curly blonde hair almost like Rita Skeeter's, and she greets me with a yawn.

"Been up all night." She tells us, as Harry appears in the doorway, looking nervous. It confuses me for a moment before I remember it's his hearing today.

Mr Weasley informs Harry that Amelia Bones will be the questioner. Susan's aunt.

"Amelia Bones is ok Harry," Tonks says earnestly, "She's fair, she'll hear you out."

"Don't loose your temper," Sirius points out, "Be polite and stick to the facts."

"The law's on your side. Even underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life-threatening situations." Lupid adds quiely, while Mrs Weasley unsuccessfully tries to flatten Harry's hair with a wet comb.

Everyone bids him goodbye as he leaves with Mr Weasley.

The others split off into mindless chatter, maybe to stop themselves from worrying. I say nothing, drinking my coffee silently. Accidentally, I overhear Sirius and Lupin talking.

"I'm worried about Hogwarts, the Ministry aren't going to let it go, Fudge made that quite clear." Sirius mutters.

"Whatever happens, they won't remove Dumbledore, doesn't make any sense for them. As long as he's there, those kids are safe." Lupin shakes his head, but his tone makes it sound like he's trying to convince himself more than Sirius.

"What Kingsley was telling us in his last report though, what the Minister wants to bring to Hogwarts-"

Those two may have forgotten I'm here, but Mrs Weasley hasn't. She clears her throat loudly, pointing at me. I carry on sipping my drink, as though I heard nothing.


"I knew it!" Ron yells with an air punch, "You always get away with stuff!"

Hermione, who had just being looking faint with anxiety, holds a shaking hand over her eyes, "They were bound to clear you, they had no case at all."

The twins and Ginny stand on the table, dancing to a war chant of 'He got off, he got off, he got off', much to Mrs Weasley's displeasure.

Lunch is served, everyone much more cheerful than before and filling up plates.

The only one who doesn't seem all that cheered by the news is Sirius, who firstly puts up a smiling front, but spends most of the following days locked in his Mother's room with Buckbeak.

Arrival of my Dad almost forgotten, I spend the next week very excited. Hogwarts, Quidditch, magic, even classes at this point. I love being here with everyone, but I can't wait to get back.

On the first day of his training, Austin swings by to cover his orders before he goes. He quickly says hi to me and I wish him luck.

Both my parents come at the same time whenever they do, so I don't get the chance to see my Mum, as I hide out upstairs with Hermione or the twins.

"Are you ever going to talk to him?" George asks me.

"Why should she?"

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