Chapter 12

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"What the bloody hell happened here" Rebekah asked "well this one here got into a fight" Klaus said "hey it's not my fault they were attacking my sister what should i have done leave it" i said pissed and with there response both Rebekah and Klaus said yes

Stefanie came up to me she hugged me and thanked me Kol walked in the room looking really happy "look who controlled there thirst" we all looked at each other cause we didn't even realised

"What are you talking about Kol" i asked i was so confused how can i have controlled my thirst when I'm a ripper "look at you you got into a fight and you have blood all over you for what i say you look like you have controlled it" he still sounded happy

"Kol that doesn't mean she has controlled it here let me get someone to prove your wrong" with that Rebekah left to get someone and i could here Kol and Stefanie make a bet on me

"You guys seriously making a bet on me now" they both nodded and with that Rebekah came in and i fed on someone to my surprised i actually stopped "ha you owe me $30 now stef" i could see Stefanie roll her eyes and it made me laugh

"You guys seriously making a bet on me now" they both nodded and with that Rebekah came in and i fed on someone to my surprised i actually stopped "ha you owe me $30 now stef" i could see Stefanie roll her eyes and it made me laugh

A month later i got a text from Elena asking me if she could meet up with Stefanie i asked her and she said she would like to meet up with her Elijah dropped her off at Damon and Elena's place she spent the day there she came back really happy I'm still not close with my parents but i hope one day i will be but for now I'll continue looking after my sister and making my marriage happy yeah i get the "your gonna regret being married to him" but i know i wont cause i know Klaus is my soulmate and i can't wait to see what our future holds because i just found out I'm pregnant and when i told Klaus he was really happy we are finally starting our own family and this time i know I'm not gonna lose the child 

a/n: i hope you enjoyed the story I'm just not feeling it anymore so i decided to write an ending let me know if i should do another TVDU story and thank you so much for 1.2k reads i really didn't think this story would get even one view and sorry for it being really short

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