Chapter 4

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As we reached the school the girls left me and Klaus outside to talk and say goodbye, i gave him a hug as i was pulling away from it we both looked into each other eyes he started to lean in to kiss me until Alaric came out and stopped it, i have a feeling my dad warned him about me and Klaus.

 I went inside and Ric tried to talk to me but i didn't listen "did you hear what i said" "no i was ignoring you cause you ruined the end of my amazing night" i told him "wow Elena was right you are like your mother, that's not the point your dad told you to stay away from Klaus and to me that looked the exact opposite" Ric tried to warn me but me being stubborn like my dad "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO YOU, MY DAD AND MY STUPED STEPMUM" i yelled at him "don't talk to me like that or your dad will have to bring Katherine to town and talk to you herself" "LET HIM WHAT SHE GOING TO DO THE LAST TIME I SAW AND SPOKE TO HER I WAS 5" after i said that i ran to my room with tires coming down my face. Even though i don't know my mum i still miss her i wish she would want to spend time with me. Do i have to be dying like my half sister Nadia to see her or something, swear sometimes i have having parents that are so fucking selfish.

Once I reached my room I found Hope, Lizzie and Josie waiting for me. "Well tell us what happened and don't leave out any detail" lizzie said excitedly to know every detail. I told them what happened at the party, outside the school and what happened with me and Ric until Hope had this weird look on her face.

"Errm Bev what's that around your neck you was not wearing that before the ball where did you get it" she asked worried "oh your dad gave it to me he told me not to take it off at all why what's wrong" she started to laugh, "Hope what's going on what's so funny about her having a locket around her neck" Josie said concerned "that locket has vervain in it and because it came from my dad he loves to compel people so he is falling for her bad he never gives people vervain and he had a massive crush on your mum lizzie and Josie" hope said and we all started to laugh.

They left my room and I got ready for bed. As I got into bed I found a text from Klaus. How did he get my number i never gave it to him, then the thought came into my head "Hope" he invited me and my dad step mum and half sister to his house for dinner tomorrow i told him we would go. The problem is how am I going to convince my dad and that to go?

The next day I got up and got changed and went to my dad's house trying to convince him to go. I know he wont let me go by myself so it was a good thing Klaus invited my family.

I reached the house as I walked in my sister ran up to me and hugged me. "Bev your back I've missed you" "hey Stef I've missed you too where's your mum and our dad" i asked her nervously "there in the kitchen" Stefanie said. "Did I just hear Beverly?" Elena asked "hey auntie Elena is dad here?" "oh no you used auntie Elena you want something what is it?" she said with a bit worried "that's the thing i need to talk to both of you." Elena sent Stef up to her room and we all sat in the living room and i told them that they invited us to his house for dinner i asked them if we could go and to my surprise Elena was trying to convincing my dad to let us go "come on Damon lets go we can see what she sees in him" Elena said to him, "who's going to be there?" he asked and i told him his brothers sisters and hope "can we go?" he waited a bit to reply then he went "fine we will go. Go back to the school and get ready we will meet you there STEFANIE GET READY WE'RE ALL GOING OUT TO DINNER" he yelled at her to get ready. I jumped for joy and hugged them both and went back to the school and told Hope.

We both got ready and went to go to her house for dinner. Ok I'm really nervous now I'm going to actually talk to them. At the ball I didn't really see them. I was just with Klaus now there going to ask me questions: what do I do? it's too late to back out.

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