chapter 6

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We were about to leave until Hope asked me to stay with her at her mum's house because her parents don't live together but I agreed and we left the Mikaelson mansion and headed to her mum's house.

Once we arrived her mum greeted us at the door she seemed very nice. Hope told her the news about me and Klaus but her mum looked annoyed as if she didn't want me and Klaus to date.

Me and hope got ready for bed and then Hayley Hopes mum called me i went downstairs to her and she still looked worried "look i can't tell you what to do about you and Klaus but I'm just going to give you some motherly advice whatever you do DO NOT sleep with him" "why he is immortal it's not like i can get pregnant or anything" i said to her laughing but she didn't find it funny "that's what i thought before i got pregnant with Hope and knowing your parents if you get pregnant well it's the end of the world for you" she said warning me but i didn't listen to her i just thanked her for the warning and went back to Hope.

A week later I was with Klaus watching a movie in bed until he paused the movie. "Hey why did you pause the movie?" "Beverly i need to tell you something i have to go to New Orleans for a few months and i want you to come with me" i froze i didn't know what to say until the words come out of my mouth "so when do we leave" did i really just say that omg I'm in trouble. Klaus smiled at me when i said "we leave tomorrow morning luv lets go to your school and pack all your stuff"

As we reached the school and went up to my room lizzie ran into my room "so it's true the Klaus Mikaelson is here in my school" she said very curiously then Hope and Josie walked in "hi dad why are you and Beverly packing her stuff?" "Please don't say anything but I'm going to New Orleans with your dad for a few months" I told them all three of them were shocked.

 They hugged me goodbye once we were leaving and that night me and Klaus decided to go now instead of in the morning. As we were on the road i got a call from my dad i answered it and he was asking me to come over but of course i finally told him that I'm on my way to New Orleans with Klaus and i think you can tell how that conversation went.

Damon pov:

I threw my phone at the wall and screamed how can that girl be so defiant after everything I've done for her and this is how she repays me going to New Orleans with Klaus. I tried sending her to Alaric school and hoped she would be smarter but now she ends up dating mine and Katherine's enemy.

"Babe are you alright" Elena asked me "no bev went to New Orleans with Klaus i don't know what to do with her anymore" i told her getting angry "i think you know what you need to do call her ask her to take over." Elena had a good point. So i called Katherine and told her what's happening and she said she is making her way to New Orleans now let's hope she can get Beverley to think straight

Katherine pov:

Oh my gosh this girl is just like her father making trips without anyone knowing. This girl is going to kill me again and I've died a few times as well. I packed my stuff and made my way to New Orleans it look me a few hours to get there.

Once I reached there I asked someone where the Mikaelson live and they took me to their house. Wow they have a nice house maybe she knows what she is doing maybe she is me all along Katherine get that out of your mind she is with the enemy remember.

I walked in calling for Beverly but i got grabbed by the neck straight into the wall by Rebekah "what the hell are you doing here Katherine" she asked me "can't i come and spend some time with my daughter i have missed a lot in her life after all" then i see bev walk in "bexs its fine let her go i can deal with her" she told Rebekah "are you sure she can get under your skin" i rolled my eyes because i knew that was true but i wouldn't do that to my own daughter, "i can handle her don't worry" she let go of me and walked away.

Beverly pov:

After Rebekah left the room I grabbed my mum and took her to a room. I locked the doors and made it sound proof with my magic so nobody could hear in and I gave her an evil look "what the hell do you want? I bet dad sent you here. Its just like him not to trust me at all" i told her "like i told Rebekah I'm here to spend some time with you" "cut the crap I'm the daughter of two villains so tell me the truth" not believing a word she said "fine Damon sent me here to make some sense into you are you crazy your dating the guy that chassed me for 500 years and the guy wanted to kill your fucking step mum he's just using you bev" "he not using me all that he done is in the past after he had Hope he changed his whole family told me so i wouldn't date anyone if they were like you and dad." I told her and it was the truth I'm trying to end this bad cycle "what that supposed to mean" she started to get really mad when i said that and she was walking close and closer to me "don't come anywhere near me I'm not afraid to use my magic and what i mean is you was never there for me you just wanted me so you could be with a Salvatore once i was born you left me at my dads to raise me where my step mum hates me because of you."

i unlocked the doors and told her to leave but she refused to leave so i used my magic and made her leave before she left i told her to tell dad nice try on trying to get me to break up he has to try harder. 

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