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We were stood at the side of the pitch cheering for the girls. The whole team. They all looked so determined to win. Watching them sprit up and down the field with the ball, dodge the tackles and jump over people. 

"GUYS! Fall in!" Rick called. "How many times no abilites in the game. Do you want to get caught." He said angrily but quietly. "They're the ones who are playing dirty. We're just playing smart." Lizzie shot back. "No spells." He looked at Izzie and Joise. "No jumping over people" Kaleb and Izzie. "No vamping around the pitch!" He looked at Roman and Zach. "Play fair or stay off the pitch." They all put there hands in the middle reluctantly. "Break!" They shouted falling out back on the pitch. 

"It's who they are why hide it." "Because they will be taken out of the league."  He said back to Stef. He rolled his eyes. "COME ON! YOU GOT THIS GUYS!" Their class mates called.

They played fair for most part but they were right the other team were playing dirty and it was doing nothing for Lizzie's anger or any of them for that matter. Izzie tried to keep her in line by being calm herself but when some guy from another team completely took her out she lost that calmness and booted him straight off her the minute they hit the floor. The ref blew the whilst because it was a foul on his part because of where they were on the lines. 

It was the last few minutes and it was a tie. They were in a circle heads meant in whispering to each other. I guess planning their next moves. "We got to get this guys. For MG." "MG!" they cheered running out on to the pitch. They lined up Josie had the ball ready to toss it back. 1 2 3. And it was in play. "Come on, come on." I say mumbling watching as the ball flies around the pitch. "COME ON GUYS! WE GOT THIS!" Izzie called from the other end of the pitch. "Never seen you invested in any sports game never mind a school sports team." Stef teased I just elbowed him keeping my eyes on the feild. The guys at the other end of the pitch were stuck circled so Lizzie tossed the ball all the way down the pitch, the wrong end of the pitch might I add to where Isabella was. She caught it out of reaction and looked around. The time had 6 seconds on the clock and she ran down the pitch dogding tackles. 

"MG!" CLAP CLAP CLAP. "MG." CLAP CLAP CLAP. "MG." CLAP CLAP CLAP. "MG." CLAP CLAP CLAP. "MG." Everyone in our bleaches called out as she ran the length of the pitch diving over the line as the bell rung.

They did it!

"MG! MG! MG! MG!" People were going crazy, jumping and running on the pitch. The team looked tired as they sat where they were stood. Relief washing over them there was imense pressure to win this game for the league but also because it was their game they were dedicating to a beloved friend. 

You could see how heavey they were all breathing. "THEY DID IT!" Caroline said hugging me. "Yeah." We ran down over to them with the rest of the school who were picking them up and hugging them and cheering. 

I wrapped my arms around Isabella from behind and she leant back on my chest so I was practically holding her up. "You did it." I tell her. "Yeah." She was still tired out of breath which was odd. "Lizzie!" Izzie called. "LIZZIE!" And Lizzie had passed out on the floor. She pushed from my embraced running over to her friend. "She's probably just dehydrated." The coach from the other team said. Rick played it down but knew something was up. Then Kaleb went down. "What the hell is going on?" Caroline said. "EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! INTO THE SCHOOL!" Caroline said loudly getting everyone off the pitch. 

"Witch bitch." I hear isabella whisper. Her eyes locked on a figure in the distance. She stood up but clearly was too weak to take a step as she fell again. Stef caught her before she hit the floor but she pushed on standing abck up. "It's Tatiana." She said to Care. "Get them off the pitch now." Rick said picking his daughter up. "Josie come on." I say helping her inside. "Isabella now!" I hear Care say as I ran with Josie to get her safe inside not knowing what spell was happening. 

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