Chapter 4

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Kevin's P.O.V
The quiz bowl meeting was a drag. Usually I would have participate in everything we where working on or answering questions and giving ideas. But today was really boring. Just plain boring too. It was like I couldn't find interest in it even if I was totally all for it.

"Nazz, did I miss anything?" She looked at her notebook and shrugged.

"Not really. We hadn't even planned anything special for the meeting anyways." Everyone in the room seemed pretty tired. Except for Nat. He was practically bouncing off the walls.

I leaned over to Nazz and whispered in her ear, "What's with Nat?"

She shrugged. I was getting nowhere. "Hey, Nat? Why are you so..."

"I'm just excited." He started to hum.

"Why?" I said plainly.

"After the meeting I get to work on my project." I was even more lost than before. Was the project really that big a deal?

I checked my phone 12:48. The meeting normally ends at 1. Mom left for work at 1:30. So I had even more time to kill til I could go home.

God this meeting was taking forever. I started to tap my foot impatiently. I needed something to do. Okay... Chill man... Just think. When I got home I could make myself lunch. Then I would do the home work I didn't do the night before. Then I would... I don't know. I had to meet up with Eddward some point. I just had no clue when. Eddward got done with practice around 3-ish. And then... What did Eddward do after school?

I checked the time. 1:06

I looked around the room. It was empty. Everyone had already left. I shook my head and left the empty classroom. Nazz and Nat were outside the door whispering.

"What's going on?" I said making them go silent.

"Don't worry about it man, it's not really important. But what's is important is you working with Edd on the science project." Nazz brushed off my question, and turned into a worried look. "He might do something, I don't trust him. Marie says-"

She cut herself off. "We just don't trust him. I mean he has bullied you since... since before I moved here." Nat said looking nervously over to Nazz.

"Yeah, dude, it's like it might be a huge setup," Nazz stated.

I held up my phone, "guys if anything happens I'll call or text. It's no big deal." I shrugged. I mean I was scared. Scared for my life in fact, but it wasn't like I could just hide from it right? Or... could I?

"How much of the assignment towards our grade?" I questioned.

"Around sixty percent. Why?" Nat shrugged with a curious look.

"I was just, y'know thinking that I could... Maybe just not do it?" I said quietly.

"Dude, it's sixty percent. You can't not do the project." Nazz continued. "It would ruin your grade."

"Well what am I gunna do you guys? I don't wanna get beat up. Or... killed." I whispered the last part.

Nazz didn't seem to miss it, "WhOA no no no. Dude that's not gunna happen. He's a mean dude but he is smart enough to know not to."

"Well, he is smart enough to know how to deal with taking care of the body and how to not leave a trace or anything." Nat stated. Nazz looked like she was about to slap him.

I scratched the back of my neck and started walking towards the school doors picturing how Eddward would murder me. I shivered. Would he kill me if he had the chance? I don't know... Nazz pulled me by the arm down an unfamiliar hallway.

"Hey, Dude. Come with me. I like totally almost forgot about my project partner. I gotta go get her." She said as she pulled me thru the school building.

Edd's P.O.V.
It felt so great to be in the water. Besides all the chemicals and other things life behind by other students. Time passes so quickly when your doing something you enjoy. I don't usual take the time to relax in the water when the rest of the swim team is around but today I just wanted to enjoy the water. So I tried to make it look like I was practicing but I was just swimming for the enjoyment of swimming. Not really worth my time but today it just felt kind of... right. I've been stressed out lately and I start to feel strange when I'm around certain people. Such as my Pumpkin. In my mind when I try to label him as "mine" I start to question if he is really mine.

I mean of course he is but I fear that one of these days I'll tell him to do something and he'll say "no." What would I do then? Beat him up?

"Edd!" Came a mumbled voice threw the water. I swam up to the surface and took a huge intake of air. How long was I down there? "Good. You're not dead. I have to leave early so I can't hold onto your dog tags for you."

"Marie," I said looking up at the blue haired girl. "Practice isn't over. You still have to hold on to them. I don't trust anyone else with them."

"I know and I get it and all but I really have to go work on my project with Marie. I don't wanna be late for our first study date," Marie giggled. "Just ask Jimmy or Johnny to watch'em for you. It's only for today I promise."

"Marie. Please. You made a promise to me that you would watch them with I swim at any point in time. You can't go back on it now." I pleaded for her to stay. I didn't trust anyone else with my dog tags besides me.

"Edd I'm sorry but it's the only time that I can get the project done. Me and Nazz's schedules only work for... like right now." She pushed.

"Nazz's and my." I corrected as I slid myself up the ledge of the pool. "Johnny and Jimmy aren't here, and it's Saturday so no one else will be able to watch them."

"I know and I'm sorry but-" she sighed and handed me my dog tags. "I gotta go." She said before walking towards the exit.

I groaned and started walking towards the locker room. She owed me big time now.

Just as I was about to turn into the locker room I could hear Marie and Nazz giggling outside of the pool room doors. I made a detour and opened the door. "By the way-" I started. But I noticed someone that caught me off guard.

My heart starts pounding.

But why?

I put my hand on my chest and feel its unnatural pounding. I quickly reach out and grab Kevin's wrist and pull him into the swimming room's doors. I keep pulling him until we're by the bleachers next to the swimming pool. I let go of his hand and shove my dog tags where my hand used to be. Then walked to the side of the pool and dived in.

Kevin's P.O.V.


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