Chapter 6

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Edd's P.O.V.

I looked back to see pumpkin still sitting in the car. He had his head leaned back and his eyes closed. I took this time to really look at him. He's thin and fragile. He's wearing cloths that seem to formal for a Saturday, khakis and a green sweater with a polo underneath. His red baseball cap with the words 'Quiz Bowl' written on the front. He's nothing special at all, sure he dressed to formally but that doesn't make him stand out. I don't think he has ever stood out from the crowd.

He shook his head and leaned forward to stare at the ground in front of him. I took this chance to make my way to the passenger side of my car and tap on the window.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He looked up suddenly and froze for a second. We made eye contact for what felt like forever. He looked away and grabbed his messenger bag. I stepped out of the way for him to get out of the car. I couldn't stop looking at him. He is nothing special. But then why do I feel so- NO he is a male. Never mind. I looked away and started walking into my house trying my best not to look at him. I unlock I my house and step inside. I flicked off my shoes and turned back to Kevin as he stumbled up to the front of my home.

"Please take off your shoes and leave them on the mat by the stairs." Kevin nodded in response. He walked in after and also took off his shoes and put them neatly a distance from mine on the neatly laid down on the mat.

"What's your beverage preference?" I ask.

"I... W-what do you have?" He question.

I looked up at the ceiling trying to remember what I had. "Water, milk, juice and soda?"

"Would it be alright if I had... had a soda?" I nodded in response and went into the kitchen. Looking between my options I picked one that he might like. A silly idea came into my mind. Could I shake the soda up to make it all fizzy and make him fear my reaction of getting my house dirty? No. In the end I would have to clean the carpets, again. I picked up two sodas and made my way back to the entryway where Kevin was.

But silly little me didn't see the carpet edge and I tripped over it and fell too far forward to regain my balance, so I reached forward to grasp something to catch my fall. I took hold of the closest thing possible. Pumpkin's shoulder. My weight must have been to much for him to muster that he couldn't hold me any longer and tried to lift me up but instead fell back.

Laying on the ground in my very own doorway with my head was resting on his chest I felt his heart beat quicken. Was he really that scared of me? I didn't take the time to think and instead of doing as any normal person would and get up, I looked up to see his face eyes close and face scrunched up in pain. He lifted his hand up to set on the left side of his forehead. He started to sit up only to notice me still laying on top of him peering up at his confused face.

Tilting his head slightly and looking in my eyes he gave me a curious look. It was the first time he had looked at me without fear in his eyes, and to say it was cute would be an understatement. For a male he was very... adorkable? Scrawny, pale, fragile. But it was cute. He seemed to notice me staring at him and the fear consumed his eyes again a bright blush covered his face from ear to ear. I quickly adjusted myself so I wasn't on top of him.

"My apologies, the carpet seemed to trip my fall and you were unlucky enough to catch it," I apologized while finding my way to my feet as he did the same. I grabbed the sodas and handed him one as I passed him and walked into my living room. Throwing my legs over the couch and laying down as I threw my head back to look at him waddle awkwardly into the living room. I sighed heavily. Why was he so shy? Couldn't he just... Whatever.

"Can we just start working on this thing?" I said sighing heavily growing bored of the uneasiness of Kevin. I had no idea that Kevin would this uncomfortable with the predicament. I did however know that he wouldn't be to pleased with it but... Why did I even bother making him my partner. I know that he wouldn't use me to just get a good grade and that he would actually work on and for the project. I sighed again and called him over to sit on the couch. I knew why he was scared of me. I just wanted him to tell me what the problem was.

"Pumpkin, Can you... Can you tell me why you're s scared of me?" I said turning to him and trying to look into his eyes for any sigh of me being wrong about him. He still reframed from looking as him and played with the can of soda that I had handed to him. It was silent for a long moment.

I was about to reach out my hand and set it on his shoulder to comport him. When I realize it was me who needed comfort. When humans get emotionally worried or upset they crave human contact. I saw the split second when he looked up at me when he saw I was about to comfort him. The look of fear, worry, and... need? That couldn't be right. But he looked away from me before I could look closer. I... I needed to see if I was right or wrong. I was about to lift up his chin when he answer my question. The response made my chest grow tight.

"B-Because you're... you torment me." I could hear his voice crack at the end of the sentence and him trying to cover it up. I felt my shoulder slump and my chest feel hollow and empty. It seemed like a huge weight was pushing down onto me. Like it was all my fault.

Because it is.

I could be ruining his life and I hadn't even considered it. I knew he might be in tears right now. It probably wasn't the first time either. Before I knew it I was lifting my arms around him to embrace him. Pulling him into a forced but gentle hug. I could practically feel the confusion run through his body as he tensed up in surprise. I knew he would never settle into the hug so I did what I could.

"I'm sorry," I apologized but I knew that he wouldn't think I was being honest. He probably thought something different. I hugged him a bit tighter to try and make up for my lack of emotion in the moment. What had surprised me most was that he relaxed into the hug. He didn't hug back but I could tell he wasn't scared of me in this one moment. In this time right now. He wasn't scared at all. He was perfectly content right here in my arms. The though of it just made my heart beat speed up. I felt a light pink blush spread across my face.

But it was just hot in here right?

My heart beat told me differently.

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