Chapter 5

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Kevin's P.O.V.


I'm so scared. I have absolutely no clue what to do. Do I just stand here? Do I leave? What's going on? Why me? I don't understand.

««Sort of flashback?««
"N-Nazz let go. Where are we going? Who's the person you're meeting? Why do I have to come with? What about Nat? " I flood her with questions.

She just giggled and looked back at me, "Don't worry about it, dude!" She gives me a smile with closed eyes and pulls me down another hallway but this time she stops. We stand there for a couple of minutes as I catch my breath as she hums a song and states at the door impatiently. I was just about to ask if I could leave but then the door opened. It was Marie.

"Hey Nazz, Kevin." She smiled and waved and me and turned to Nazz. "So... Nazz, I was thinking that we could start with all of the research and then start on the physical project."

"Yeah totally. But uh, Kevin is a really good friend of mine and I wanted to ask you of I could tell him..." Nazz said.

"I-uh c-can I leave b-because I need to get home," I asked not really interested in the conversation.

All of a sudden the door opened. It was Edd he looked really annoyed and he said, "By the way-" we made eye contact.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the swimming room before I could protest.

Now I'm just really confused. There was no explanation for him to abduct me from Nazz and Marie. I was just about to leave too. I don't know if I should be scared or curious. I'm scared sure, but I still want a reason why he had just of stolen me.

I was trying to work up the courage but then I remembered that he had given my his dog tags. I froze. His dog tags were probably his most prized possession besides his hat. And they were in my hands... shit. I have no clue what to do. Do I just sit here? Should I ask? I'm freaking out and I start to panic which causes me to shake.

"I'll be done in twenty minutes just don't drop them," Edd says and it causes me to jump.

"O-okay," I say as I look down at the ground.

Edd's P.O.V
In between laps I looked over to see what my Pumpkin was doing. I kind of expected for him to not know why I pulled him in here, well in my perspective I don't really know why either. But right now he looks like he is having an anxiety attack. He is hacking like crazy... I should says something.

"I'll be done in twenty minutes just don't drop them," I say calmly. He jumps and replies with a simple Okay.

I roll my eyes and continue to swim laps. I counted ten. A little out of breath I looked up at the clock. Then at Kevin, he seemed like he wanted to say something. At least that's what it looked like because he kept on taking an intake of air and almost opening his mouth and at the same time attempting to look up at me. Him clearly failing every time because he didn't notice me looking at him. Practice was almost over and I've about had enough for today.

I slid up the side of the pool and walked over to Kevin. He hadn't even noticed I was there. I flicked his hat and he looked as of he had a little heart attack.

"D-don't, uh please d-don't do that ag-gain." he looked off to the side.

"Practice is almost over and I was telling you that I was going to change... Unless you wanted to come with?" I smirked at him.

"N-no thank you!" His little face was flustered and he tried to hide it by looking farther away. I rolled my eyes and went to go change. The others on the team were just starting to get out of the pool most of them breathless. It really wasn't that much of a workout for me though.

As I turned into the locker I looked over to my Pumpkin one last time. He had held up m dog tags and looked to be examining them. I don't know what happened but something in my stomach just felt off. To see him looking at something of mine with such a... Curiosity? It just felt,... diff rent from handing them to Marie. I shook my head and went into the locker room.

Kevin's P.O.V.

As soon as I saw Eddward leave I quickly drew my attention to to the dog tags that Eddward had handed me when he sat me down on the bleachers. I flipped them over once or twice in may hands. As they clattered together I noticed that they both had engravings in them. One of them had the letter "F" and the other had the letter "M". The letters probably stood for something.

I flipped them over again and again but the only things on them were the letters. Why would they be so important to him if they only had to letters on them? But it probably want any of my business.

I looked over at the time. I should get going my Mom probably already left. And I don't wanna spend anymore time with Edd. Or do I? Eddward Vincent is the one to confuse a person. He makes so many threats towards me, but in the end he hasn't laid a hand on me. Has he ever hurt me once? Johnny and Jimmy, clearly. But Edd? Why am I scared of him if he has never even hurt me before?

My eyes started to focus on a hand waving in front of my face, "Earth to Pumkin~," cooed the ravin hair boy crouched in front of me.

I recoiled and put my hands closer to my chest. After the moment of doing so I realized I still had his dog tags in my hand. I soon pulled my hands off my chest and held out his dog tags for him to take. he have me a skeptical look but took them anyway. As he did so the tips of his fingers slightly brushed the palm of my hand. I shivered slightly. His touch was different from other people's. It wasn't harsh or scary. It was just... different. Even after he pulled his hand away I could still feel his touch linger.

I shook my head as he started to stand up. "I might as well give you a ride. Seeing that you and I both live within the same walking range of school. And we have a project to work on." Edd stated looking away.

"I-I have my bike. I could just ride it home and come over later," I said. 'Or never' I thought.

"Nonsense we have limited amount of time and I can't have you lolly gagging." Edd said a bit more angry.

"O-okay...," I finished. Thinking all of my plans of escape were stopped.

Edd and I walked in complete silence. It got awkward, but he seemed to be expecting it. Like he knew we wouldn't start off with small talk. It was true. I just hadn't thought of the awkward silence. Once we reached his car he unlocked it. His car was really dark black and very smooth. From the spot I was at I could already tell it was expensive. And looked almost brand new. Unless he just kept it like that, him being a clean freak and all.

He got into the car and I tightened my grip on my messenger bag. Was I supposed to get Ito the front or back? Should I just walk? Or take my bike? What should I- Edd rolled down the window and interrupted my thoughts.

"Pumpkin, this is why I meant by lolly gagging. Get in, so we may proceed to leave," Edd said poking his head from the drivers seat and yelled through the passenger window.

I do as he said and start walking to the passenger side of the car. I pulled on the car door. It didn't open. I herd Eddward chuckle. "Need me to unlock it?" I looked at the ground as I furiously blushed.

I waited for the door lock to click until I tried. pulling on it again. I sat in the car without saying a word as I buckle my seat belt. As soon as my seatbelt clicked Edd sped off down the road.

We soon reached his house which was across the street from mine. As Edd stepped out of his car and into his driveway.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and sighed. I reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt buckle. I was just about to go into Eddward Vincent's house. The schools number one swimmer, also the captain of the team. A straight a student. A bully. My bully. My bully? I open my eyes and look down 'my' bully? He's 'mine' ?

Tap. Tap. Tap.

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