Tommorow huh?

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No P.O.V
Edd huffed as he looked at the door as it slammed in his face. Turning to step off Kevin's porch he herd yelling inside but decided against knocking on the door. He then proceeded walking along the side of Kevin's house to get to his own across the street.

Getting to the door and unlocking it he noticed an unfamiliar uneasy feeling by the realization of how tense and scared Kevin had been. Looking back at his house Edd decided to shrug it off and continue with proceeding to unlock his door.

He unlocked it and stepped inside. Nothing unusual. Edd's house was always dark, clean, and most of all empty, besides Edd. Edd's parents weren't ever home. They were always on business trips or taking vacations without him. It's not that Edd wasn't upset by it. It was more of the fact that he got used to the feeling of being along. Especially after Eddy moved away and he and Ed became distant after Eddy moved.

Edd sighed and shut the door and took off his shoes. Turning around seeing the house again as nothing change and it was oh so quiet just made him feel abandoned. Running up the stairs he slipped into his room and plopped down on his bed. He thought about what Kevin said.

Edd's P.O.V.
'Tomorrow huh?' I thoughts as I gazed up at the ceiling wondering why he had been so panicked. Bitting my lip I sat up to look around. 'He knows I have practice. I've made that pretty clear. We'll have to do it at a time that works. He has whatever at school in the morning for quiz whatever. And I've got practice from noon to three. He is so stupid, how can he think we will get that done In only a limited amount if time? We will only have six hours at the most.' I gave a frustrated sigh and looked at the time.
I stayed back after school to catch him when I could. He left at five and I just got home and it's... What time is it? I looked over at the clock it was only 5:57pm.

Getting up from my bed I grabbed my back pack and went over to the desk. Pulled out my homework. Half an hour latter I finished all my work except for the project Kevin and I are doing tomorrow. I looked over at the clock to see it was still to early to go to bed. I rolled my eyes and tried to think of what I could do until I got tired enough for a shower and to go to sleep. The idea didn't come from my brain though it came from my stomach as it grumbled to be filled. I got off my desk chair and went down the stairs and into the kitchen. I wiped up a quick meal of pasta and a jawbreaker for a treat at the end. Then went about doing my business and walked up the stairs and into the bathroom for a shower.

Walking over to the bathroom I closed the door and turned on the shower then started to take off my clothes. First my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers, dog tags, and beanie. I paused for a second and stared in the mirror as I took off my beanie slowly and stared at the huge scared that started at my hair line. How I got it was probably just as ugly as it looked among my raven hair. My hair was long but not too long, and not too short either. My hair is thick with huge bangs I usually tuck underneath my beanie.

Shaking my head as the mirror fogged up. I undressed completely and stepped inside of the shower feeling the hot water slither down my hair and back. It feels so calming and clean. I ran my fingers threw my hair and went along and grabbed the soap. Washing thoroughly threw my black hair I started to hum the melody of 'Lost at sea' by Zedd.

I got out of the shower and dried my hair with a towel before wrapping it around my waist. As I was leaving the bathroom and going to my room, I remember what I had to get though tomorrow to see Pumpkin. Getting to my room I dried off and got dressed in a pair of boxers and some silk pajama pants over them.

I clasped on my bed and looked at the time. I still wasn't that late but I was going to bed because I'm tired and I've got a swim meet the next day. I sat up and moved my feet to the side of the bed and set them down on the floor. Walking over I shut the door and turned out the light. then I walked over to my bed and laid down as I pulled the blankets over me and closed my eyes as I waited for unconsciousness to take over.

Rolling over to one side then back to the other I groaned. I tried to go to bed two hours ago. And so far that was turning out great. I couldn't sleep. I'm so tired but at the same time I'm so awake. It's like my mind won't let me rest. I just need something. I don't know what that is but I need it. I sat up and grumbled as I ran a hand threw my hair. All I wanted to do was fall asleep yet something was waking me up. The problem was I didn't know what. So I did as anyone else would do. I laid back down and tried to think of what was keeping me up.

My bed was clean. I had dinner. I was clean. My swim gear was packed for tomorrow as with my lunch. I had all of my materials packed for when me and Kevin would work on the project. Everything was all ready for the day ahead. I would get up eat. Maybe clean a bit or study until I had to leave for practice. Then I'd come home take a shower then... When was I supposed to pick up Kevin? He and I did make arrangements to do the project tomorrow but nothing was set in stone. I pondered calling him but sitting up and looking out the window I could see his room light was off. He was sleeping as I should be.

I laid back down and thought about tomorrow with Kevin until I fell asleep with only two words escaping my mouth as I faded out of consciousness.

"Tomorrow huh?"

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