Stay for dinner?

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Kevin's P.O.V.

"B-Because you're... You torment me," I said as my voice cracked on the last word. I should leave. I should get out of here and take an F on the project. This wasn't worth the points.

I slumped my shoulders and was ready for defeat. I was ready for him to tell me to leave or hit me or something unpleasant. I didn't expect what happened next. He lifted his arms lowly to either side of me. I thought he was going to push me or well anything other than... He slowly wrapped his arms around me gently but firmly. I couldn't escape and he knew it. I grew tense but I took a moment realizing what was happening. Eddward Vincent was hugging me? As in a hug, something that people do to show care and affection instead of using words.

He cared? And about me? No, no, no . This can't be. I tensed further, he was going to do something I knew it. He had to do something bad. He was Eddward for god's sake! He's a bully and a jackass. He isn't nice he- he- he can't! He is a monster. I really got to get out of here before he-

"I'm sorry," he said with sorrow in his voice. What? He's sorry? He can't be. But what if he is? Not that I should consider it. He is a bad person. He has pushed everyone out of his life, besides a few chosen individuals. Then what is he doing?

He started to hold me tighter. The burn marks in my back started to hurt from the abuse my Mom had made the night before. I had no choice but to loosen up and settle into his grip. He relaxed and slowly let go.

I saw his face when he pulled away from me he looked embarrassed, because his face was slightly pink. Seeing it made me blush slightly as well. We didn't have anything to say to each other so the silence was thick in the air. It seemed hard to breathe. He moved his legs so they were right next to mine. I hadn't even noticed that he had pulled them onto the couch when he... h-hugged me.

The thought of what had just happened sent shivers down my spine. We sat there with one another being just a little too close. I couldn't tell if the silence was awkward or reassuring. He had yet to say something like, "Let's pretend that never happened," or even, "If you say one word about this to anyone I'll kill you." I sighed and looked over to Eddward who looked like he was about to say something I looked at him trying to give off the message that I was waiting for him to say something. Luckily I think he got it.

"Y-you came over for- We should work on that project," He finally said. I nodded and he started to get off the couch. He returned within half a minute with what seemed to be all that we needed for the project.

"Let's get this over with," I muttered to myself as we silently started to work side by side.


Two and a half hours later we finish. I myself was amazed we finished the whole project in one day and it wasn't put together last minute. Nope, not at all. This was due next Friday. Practically a week from now. And we had just finished it.

I turned to him and said without thinking, "We make a great team because we finished it already." A had given him a closed eyes smile. So when I opened my eyes I saw his blank stare.

Oh god. What have I done?

"Uh, I mean-" I tried.

"Do you wanna stay for dinner?" He interrupted still looking at me blankly.

"What?" My mind went blank. I gave it a moment to process it in my mind. It was barely after lunch. I needed to get home before my Mom did. Isn't he supposed to hate me? "Uh, I- um." Was all I could get out.

He let out a heavy sigh. "That's alright you can go now." He looked away as he seemed not wanting to watch me leave.

I just sat there. Why did he want me over so bad? He probably really was sorry- No. He wasn't sorry in the least. Not one bit. He probably wanted to poison the food or dump it on my head. In frustration I stood up and made my way to the door.

You know that thing where people tell you never to look back? Yeah, I shouldn't have looked back.

What I saw in from of me almost made my heart drop. Almost. There he was looking down at his lap twiddling his fingers trying not to look at me. He was almost bent over in a ball making him look smaller. More meek and shy. He kept trying to say something but then he would frown in defeat.

Why was this so important to him? We weren't friends. We were practically enemies. But... did he really want me to stay that bad? Maybe he wasn't going to do something stupid. I might as well give him a chance.

I pondered it another second before looking back up at him. "Hey, uhm. Well I-" I took a deep breath. "Can I stay for dinner?"

Edd tried to hide him face for an unknown reason. "Thanks." Was all he said before heading to the kitchen.

"Uh, Eddward-" I said trying to stop him. I really needed to finish a sentence. "It's only 4:30." I said after glancing at the clock.

"So it seems to be," he said looking to the same clock I did to check the time. "So what would you like to do until dinner time?" He asked.

He wanted me to decide. What did he even like to do? He was... well him. And I was me. I am me. I still am me. We're two totally different people. Are we supposed to get to know each other? So many questions.

"What are you thinking?" He asked looking at me from the corner of his eye. Why wasn't he looking straight at me? Was he hiding something? Should I care about wh-

"I'm serious," he said louder.

"Eh, uh eck," I choked out. It sounded as if I was dying. He gave off a little chuckle.

He turned straight towards me, "Come on pumpkin. If you don't choose an activity, I'll have to." He said looking at me with a very curious face. But not the good curious.

I shouldn't have stayed for dinner.

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