On the way home.

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Kevin started leaving the school in a hurry. He didn't know why but every time he looked back Eddward was closer to him. 'Oh dear' Kevin mumbled as he started jogging towards his house. Kevin had been doing his best to avoid Eddward all day. He had missed a class that they shared due to a doctors appointment because of the beating he had gotten from Johnny and Plank... "Just them..." Kevin looked back to see Edd only a couple of yards away from him. Kevin panicked and ran. His house was only half a block away and if he ran fast enough he might be able to escape Edd from getting to him.
Kevin turned the corner and saw his house only meters away. Running to the front door he threw a glance back 'Shit' Edd was running right around the corner. He would be right by Kevin in a matter of seconds. Kevin turned to the door and tried to open the door. 'Double shit' it was locked. He threw his hands into his pockets and book bag searching for his key. Coming up empty handed. He ran for the back door. Barely getting to the side of his house Edd jumped over the fence and was now blocking Kevin's way to his backyard. Kevin froze. He couldn't get in the front door and Edd was blocking the back one. Kevin started to shake as Edd calmly and slowly walked towards him.
"Salutations Pumpkin... It seems to me that-" Edd was cut off by Kevin as he blurted out "S-sorry... I-I didn't mean to.. Upset you..."
"As it is tempting to torment you in your lack of knowledge. I only came to tell you that we are partners for an assignment and we have a project due Monday. Oh and don't bother thinking of a topic the teacher did let us choose, but since you weren't there I picked a topic to both of our likings. Yours of robotics and mine of Math."
Kevin's POV:
D-Did Edd just think of someone's else's happiness over a topic agreement..? Oh well. At least he isn't going "to hurt me... I think.
I step to the side thinking maybe he will leave. Edd doesn't move just crosses his arms. "W-what?" I stutter. Looking down trying to make myself look smaller.
"I said we were doing a project. That's why I'm here." Edd grunted, "I expect that you will put effort into this. And equally share the work," Edd said rolling his eyes and sticking his hands into his pockets.
"O-oh right..." I say quietly. I walk past him and up the back porch steps. Opening the door I say, "Nows not a good time. Maybe tomorrow..." I shake my head knowing tomorrow won't be good for him. I hear my mom yell "KEVIN!" and I turn and slam the door in Edd's face. I am really going to have to apologize to him. I try speed walk to my room as quietly as I can, but I get caught by a puff of smoke.
"You're home late."
"I-I know.. I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't good enough. I spent half the day preparing dinner. I was gunna make a nice dinner for you. And this is what you do? You get home late. And now dinner is ruined. You ruined dinner. You ruined all of the work I put into it and now it's ruined."
"M-Mom I... I know and I'm sorry." I have to get out of here fast or...
"No you don't. You were at school. You weren't slaving over the kitchen stove preparing dinner!" She stormed out of the room and went into the kitchen.
Following I said, "Mom it's okay we can still-" I was cut off by her throwing the plates of cold food at me. One shattered just as it connected with my forehead leaving huge gashes tight under the brim of my hat and two other crashed to the ground. Getting up to run she caught me by the back of the collar of my shirt and threw me to the ground and jumped on top of me.
"You need to be taught a lesson," she said pulling up the back of my shirt up.
'No mom pleas-' was all I could get out before she thrusted her cigaret into my skin. Twisting it and pushing the sizzling hot tobacco into my skin. I screeched out in pain as she pulled it out of my skin, relit it and jabbed it into my skin again. I begged her to stop but she wouldn't. I tried to crawl out from underneath her but nothing worked. So I just tried to bared threw the pain. She did this more times than I could count by the time she was done my back felt numb from all of the cigaret burns.
After a while she sat up and went to the kitchen and started the stove. I didn't move. I was too afraid to. I was just about to get up when she enter the room again. She stood there for a moment when I was going to apologize again but my back bust out in pain as boiling water was being poured onto my back. I jumped up and bolted for my room. She ran after me but I closed the door before she could reach it.
No P.O.V:
Kevin walked over to the bathroom to see the damage. He pulled off his sweater and peaked at the cigaret marks and burned skin. 1... 2... 3... Kevin counted the number he got today. He counted 14. That was a new low for his mom. On a daily basis Kevin would have things thrown at him, burned, and even just plain beaten till he blacked out and his mom would continue when he woke up. Kevin sighed and treated to all of his old and new wounds before slipping off his pants and crawling into his bed wincing at the pain he felt as the blankets covered his wounds. He would usually take a shower but right now it would help his back. The pain died down as he drifted from consciousness.
Hey I know it's short. But leave me a comment or something I will put out another chapter tomorrow.
Oh and ill just leave it at this unless anyone wants it to continue. If so leave a comment.

On the way home.Where stories live. Discover now