Chapter Nineteen

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Shawn's POV

After watching Ali slowly fall back asleep, I could not sleep. I was too awake. I didn't feel tired at all. So I got up and wandered around the room. Before finally deciding to sit on the comfy gray sofa in the corner of the room. I sank back against the soft cushions. Still bored, I got back up to find my guitar. It was in the living room. I settled down on the sofa, propped up against a light blue pillow. Gazing outside, I noticed the pitch blackness. The house was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

I tuned my guitar, then started to play very softly.

My fingers naturally strum and plucked the right strings. I didn't realize what song I was playing, until I started to sing along in my head. It was Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. This song reminds me of the summer before senior year when Allison got attacked on the way home from the park. She was in a coma for a week and had temporary amnesia. She had forgotten me for about 10 minutes, before I kissed her and the memories came flashing back to her.

We never really talk about what happen. Like..who did it to her, and why. All I know is that she is better and she is okay.

My fingers stopped playing. I sighed as I propped my guitar up against the wall. I found a comfortable position and looked out the window at the cloudy night. No moon or any stars in sight. Ugh how boring.

Allison rolled in her sleep, over to my side of the bed. I heard her mumbling. My eyes finally started to droop and feel tired. I could feel the energy just draining from me. A sudden scream jolted me awake. I flinched and the movement caused me to roll off of the sofa. I let out a little screech and fell to the floor with a big thud.

I lay there for a minute, too lazy to get up. I must not have heard her, because a few minutes later, Ali was leaning over me.

"Are you okay?" She worriedly asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

Ali began to giggle. Her laugh echoed throughout the empty house. It filled me with joy to see her happy. Even if that happiness was from my pain. It was good to hear her laugh again, after seeing her cry.

I got up off of the floor. Ali wrapped me in a hug, and her baby bump pressed against my chest.

My fingers knotted in her hair.

"Are you okay? Why did you scream?" I wondered.

"It must have been a bad dream again." She explained.

I didn't say anything, just tenderly pressed my lips against hers.

"C'mon." I said, leading her to the bed.

"I'm so tired." Ali complained.

"Yeah me too."

I got in bed and waited for Allison to crawl under to the blankets and curl up next to me. When she did, I kissed her goodnight and fell asleep.

Allison's POV

Shawn was cooking some of the food for Christmas Eve dinner. I had taken a break because my feet were hurting. And I have a massive headache.

When I curled up on my gray sofa with a soft blanket, I couldn't get comfortable. I squirmed and tried to get in a comfortable position. I noticed a stack of my textbooks on my very organized desk.

Oh shit! I forgot I had some homework to do over break. I got up and sat at my desk. Opening my textbook, and flipping to a blank page in my notebook, I absolutely dreaded what was coming.

"Ali! Ali!" Someone's voice called for me.

"Allison!" I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake.

I groaned and sat up. I had fallen asleep on my textbook while doing homework. Shawn was standing over me.

"Hey, sorry. I forgot I had homework, but I fell asleep." I apologized.

Shawn laughed, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

"C'mon, I need your help with some stuff. I don't trust myself with cooking. We don't wanna ruin everything." Shawn said, offering his hand.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out of the chair and into his arms. My head rested against his chest and I felt his chin on my head. He kissed the top of my head and let me go.

I started walking down the stairs, careful not to trip.

"You should look into online school. If you don't want to be at school when you're pregnant." Shawn suggested.

"That's actually a good idea, I'll have to make some calls and talk to the dean after break."

"I do have some good ideas." Shawn said sarcastically.

I turned and grinned up at him.

When we got to the kitchen, I looked around and came to the conclusion that Shawn shouldn't be in charge of cooking. The salad looks good. But he's not too good at cooking, except basic things like eggs, spaghetti, burgers, pancakes, etc.

"Thanks for getting a head start." I told him.

I heard him sigh. "I'm not very good at it am I?"

I put a smile on my face. "You are at some things.."

He gasped, faking being hurt by my statement.

I gently whacked his stomach. "You know I'm kidding. Thank you Shawn, the salad looks amazing!"

"Awesome." He said, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Do you need my help?" Shawn asked, his lips lingering on my jaw.

"I think I'll be good, but thank you."

"I'll just be in the living room." Shawn said and left the kitchen.

I let out a big sigh. Time to get to work!

I finished putting everything in the oven and making sure all of the food was all set.

"Shawn, I'll be right back, keep an eye on the food!" I yelled to Shawn as I headed upstairs to get dressed.

I picked out a knee length simple red dress. My hair looked extremely dark in comparison. I put my hair in a bun with a white bow. I slipped on my silver flats and headed downstairs.

*Author's Note*
The picture is of Allison's engagement ring. This is basically how I imagined it, even if the description of it might be a little off. So...I wanna you guys like romantic scenes or smut scenes better? I'll try to write more of whatever the majority of you guys want. So just comment what you think:) thanks!

-Elizabeth <3

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