Chapter Three

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Shawn's POV {5:17pm}

I pulled into the driveway and shut my car off. Before I got out, I glanced over at my house next door. It looked so weird having my bedroom window bare and not with blue curtains. I grabbed my guitar and songbook then headed inside. When I walked in the front door, I smelled all kinds of different things. I smelled muffins and cookies, lemon soap, and spaghetti. I put my guitar down and walked into the kitchen. Ali was standing at the stove, stirring what I assumed was spaghetti.

I walked up behind her and kissed her cheek.

"Hi Angel, how was your day?"

Ali turned around and tightly wrapped her arms around me. I ran my fingers through her hair as she put her head on my chest.

"Shawn, you'll never believe what I found today."

"What?" I asked.

Ali lifted her head up to look at me. Her pretty blue eyes filled with tears.

"Shawn, I found a letter that my mother wrote."

No other words needed to be said, I just held her closer than I did before.

"I want you to read it." Ali let go of me and grabbed my hand, leading me to the dining room.

She handed me a folded piece of paper. I opened it and began reading.

Beth Jones July 17th, 2011

Today Jack and I were flying back from Mexico with our son Ryan. Our daughter Allison was staying with her grandmother, but I knew she was with her best friend, Shawn. He was so good to her, and I know that they are going to fall in love some day. I can tell, and it might just be me, that Shawn is already in love with my daughter. The way he looks at her, the way he treats her, the way he talks about her, it's truly beautiful. I hope that one day Allison will see how amazing Shawn is, and realize she's in love with him too. Anyways, so Allison is with Shawn, she always is. The flight is boarding, I guess I'll write to you later. Bye:)

Holy shit. Did everyone know I was in love with Allison except her? Was it really that obvious?

I kept reading.

So....I'm back:) I didn't want to write on the plane because Ryan hates flights and he was too scared to be not with me. I couldn't just leave him all scared and alone, I needed to comfort him. Give him big hugs and kisses.

So Allison and Shawn were hanging out yesterday when I got a devastating phone call. It was Shawn's mother.

"Beth this is so awful, you need to come home right now!!! My husband and the kids were just in a car accident, Ali and Shawn were hurt really badly. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have let them out during the storm." Mrs. Mendes cried to me over the phone. I immediately panicked.

"What!?! Is she okay? Where's my daughter? What happened to her?"

Mrs. Mendes took a deep shaky breath.

"Her and Shawn are in the emergency room right now. Thankfully my husband was okay, he just has a broken leg and sprained wrist. But Shawn and Ali aren't so good. For some reason, they were really close together in the backseat, so they both got equally hurt. They both have 2 broken ribs and a broken ankle. And....and...and they hit their heads pretty hard. Both knocked unconscious, Shawn is awake, but Ali isn't yet. I asked Shawn if he remembers anything and he can't remember what happened after him and Ali went to the park earlier today."

"Okay, I'm just now getting off the highway, I'll meet you at the hospital in about 20 minutes."

I arrived at the hospital, just as Ali woke up. I was so relieved she was okay. Besides a couple broken ribs, a broken ankle, and a concussion with the side affect of memory loss. Ali didn't remember anything either. She told us the last thing she remembers, was saying goodbye to Shawn's mom earlier today.

Something Small (Book #2 in the Shallison Series)-Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن