Chapter Ten

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Allison's POV

Shawn's parents were gonna be here in an hour and I'm not even ready yet! After making the lasagna, I put it in the oven. I told Shawn to watch it, and I went upstairs to get ready.

I put on a nice blue dress that made my eyes pop. For my shoes, I just wore black and silver flats. My hair, was a different story. Since I had put it in a quick and messy fishtail braid this morning, I just took it out. I thought maybe I should straighten it. So I did. When I was done, my hair felt like silk. My almost waist length hair parted perfectly. I guess my bad hair day turned out to be pretty good. Since I never wear makeup, I just swiped an eos across my lips. I heard the timer beep and headed downstairs.

Shawn was just taking it out of the oven when I came into the kitchen. He took of the oven mitts and turned around. When he saw me, his jaw fell open a little. I could feel myself blushing. Shawn took a few steps toward me.

"You look beautiful, as always Allison." Shawn complimented me, giving me a quick kiss.

He licked his lips. "You taste like strawberries."

I laughed and opened the fridge to pull out ingredients for a salad.


The doorbell rang and Shawn answered it. I was just finishing setting the table.

Mrs. Mendes waltzed into the kitchen, wearing a lovely red and black sweater dress. Her hair in a nice chignon. I saw the sparkle of diamond earrings as she leaned to hug me.

Aaliyah skipped into the room. I held out my arms and she hugged me. Even though she was sixteen, she still treated me as a good friend, and not just Shawn's fiancée. Aaliyah was wearing a white sweater and a pair of light jeans, and black boots. Her hair was curled. She looked nice.

Shawn and his dad came into the room. I hadn't even noticed that Shawn changed. He was wearing a nice white shirt with a blue and gray flannel over it. He had black jeans and his usual black sneakers on. Mr. Mendes just had on nice dress pants and a button down shirt. He had gotten new glasses since the last time I saw him. They look nice.

They all sat down and I went back to the kitchen. Shawn followed me into the kitchen.

I clenched my hand into a fist nervously. I took deep breaths, Shawn put his arms around me.

"It's okay Ali, you're not confessing to a murder."

That made me laugh a little.

I leaned into his embrace. My head rested on his chest and I closed my eyes. Enjoying his comfort.

Shawn's mom walked into the kitchen. We broke apart, I swear I looked like I was caught doing something illegal.

"Oops! Sorry to interrupt, I was just wondering if I could help with anything?"

We both shook our heads.

"No, were okay mom, we'll be out in a minute."

Mrs. Mendes nodded and went back into the dining room.

"I can't do it! You have to tell them, Shawn. I'll be too nervous to speak."

Shawn gently grabbed my face in his hands. "It's okay Allison. You'll be okay, I love you."

I leaned on my tiptoes to kiss him.
"I love you too."

{After dinner}

Shawn grabbed my hand underneath the table. I looked over at him. His face was slightly flushed. I could tell his was nervous too, he kept biting his lip. I put my hand on his knee and gave him a reassuring nod.

Something Small (Book #2 in the Shallison Series)-CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ