The Price You Pay For Freedom

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"Isn't it wonderful, Skye?" asked Chase, looking up at the stars. The night was still, and a cool summer breeze ruffled the pup's fur. A few crickets chirped in the distance, and the moon shone brightly. They loved their missions, yes, but sometimes, they just wanted a break.

"Yes, Chase. It really is." Skye replied dreamily. "Thanks for bringing me back here. The first time was too short.

"You're welcome," Chase said, nuzzling her chest. Skye giggled and batted his snout away.

"That tickles, Chase," she said happily.

"Skye, there's something I need to tell you..." Chase said, after a short silence, blushing red.

"What's up?" she asked, turning to look into his eyes.

"I...umm...I really make me..." Chase stuttered. "What I mean is..."

"Come on, you can tell me..." said Skye softly

"I really like you, Skye. Like, a lot. You make me happy all the time! Your smile is cute, and it makes me want to kiss you sometimes. I think... I think I'm in love with you." Chase admitted, caressing Skye's cheek with the back of his paw. Ske lifted her paw and touched it to his.

"Really?" she said, in wonder. "What's so great about me?" she asked shyly.

"Everything, from the color of your eyes to the smell of your fur. You are one of the kindest pups I know, and that makes you truly beautiful. You are trusting and open, with a little adventurous streak in you. You are perfect in my eyes, no matter what happens." Chase said, kissing the top of her head.

"Chase, I never knew you felt like that towards me, but I'm really happy you do, because I love you, too," Skye said, licking his nose. Yes, Chase thought. This is all I've ever wanted. Just to be with her. Chase licked her back and they continued to look up into the stars. Everything began getting just a little bit fuzzy, but Chase ignored it. No, not yet! He thought. Just a little longer... he pleaded with himself, but to no avail. It was inevitable. Chase looked at Skye happily one last time before he was jerked back to reality. And it sucked. He was hungry, cold, and uncomfortable on the hard marble floor. He tried to hang on to the last remnants of his dream, but it wasn't going to work. Sighing, he opened his eyes wearily. He was so sick of it all. It had been a few days since he'd last eaten, He also suffered from extreme apathy. The pups and Ryder had been held captive for much longer than they expected. It had been eight weeks since their capture, and all the pups were just running on fumes at this point.

Well, I guess I'll get something to eat today... or not...Chase thought, struggling to his feet. There was a morning routine that the pups followed every day. The lights snapped on, they leave the room, compete for food, come back, wait for Jason to come up with whatever game he had planned, recreation (rarely), then bed (maybe). Sometimes, they stayed up at night making plans. They finally had some type of base to work off of. Except, it contained some variables they had yet to solve for, meaning, there were some things they didn't know yet. The first problem was Jason. They could take him in a fight, but he could manipulate the entire building with that remote, and they couldn't fight that, not without their powers.

"But how are we going to take out the remote, Rocky?" Rocky had been nominated, team leader for this mission.

"It's not the remote we have to worry about, it's the computer it controls. No remote can control an entire building! We've gotta take out its medium! If we take that out, we can shut of Jason's control for good, and unlocked the doors so we can get out!" Rocky answered.

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