Chapter 4: Nightmare King

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Niko P.O.V.

...How did I get myself roped into this again?



Niko P.O.V.

(Niko Makaya) - So who are these pricks? 

(Gazef Stronoff) - Special soldiers of the Slane Theocracy. Only they could send out so many magic casters at once. It looks as if they're a special ops unit under the command of the head priest. Likely one of the Six Scriptures.

We had hidden the villagers withing some of the more fortified buildings in an attempt to protect them while we scouted our enemy.

(Niko) - ...Great. Fucking fantastic. Another batch of pious nuts.

(Sephiroth) - They came here dressed as Imperial soldiers, did they not?

(Gazef) - That seems to be the case.

Looking out the window, I scan my targets using Libra.

(Momonga) - What's their status?

(Niko) - Cheap shit in comparison to what we've got, but they've got numbers.

(Albedo) - What kind of numbers, Beloved?

...I kinda like the sound of that.

(Niko) - Three magic casters with summoning items accompanied by Archangel Flames, and at least two battalions of reinforcements in the brush. What value could this village possibly have to warrant a squad of this size?

(Gazef) - If you don't know why they're here, then there's only one reason they're here.

We all turn to look at him. It's obvious what he means.

(Niko) - And what the hell did you do to put them in such a pissy mood?

(Gazef) - I wouldn't have any idea. More often than not, I just follow orders.

(Niko) - Given the current situation and the fact that the Church tried to make this seem like an Imperial attack, I'd say the reason would be that you're a massive pain in their ass.

(Gazef) - That could very well be, but regardless, I would like to hire you and your allies.

(Niko) - ...I'm sorry?

(Gazef) - I'd like to ask for your help. Name your price. I will see it paid.

(Niko) - Absolutely not.

(Gazef) - ...I see. Then please take care, Sir Makaya. Thank you again for saving this village.

...Huh. I thought he would have pushed that.

(Gazef) - I understand that this is a selfish request, but please. Protect them once more. I've nothing to give you right now, but I beg of you. I beg-

He moves to kneel, and I stop him from doing so. He looks up at me for a moment, surprised. 

(Niko) - ...Just don't. The villagers will be protected, and the Theocracy will be fought off.

...I don't like getting involved when I don't have to. In fact, I hate it. But it stands to reason that because we still know next to nothing about this world, we need to test ourselves against it.

Starting with me. Because if we don't go to the battle, the battle will eventually come to us.

(Niko) - This will be taken care of. You and your soldiers will stay here with Ains and Albedo to protect the villagers.

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