Chapter 5: Not Really Home Alone

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Niko P.O.V.

Albedo's report came in some time ago. There's presently no other Yggdrasil players here with us. We had managed to capture a commander of one of the Slane Theocracy's special ops - specifically the Sunlit Scripture group. Some tool named Nigun.

After some research, we found out that the Theocracy's motive is human supremacy over all other races.

...Racist shits if it wasn't already obvious.

Carne Village is currently the only land we're on friendly terms with. We must put effort into avoiding the creation of a negative perspective of us, so I sent one of my Mirage Pleiad - Odin, to watch over it. He wasn't too enthusiastic about guarding the village up until the point I mentioned giving him permission to tear any potential invaders to bloody ribbons.

...Back in Grymoire, he was revered as a butcher - due to him being such a battle addict.

Shalltear came in to bid us good tidings - almost getting into a fight with Albedo after a surprisingly short argument.

It's becoming clearer and clearer that I'm going to have to do something about this before it gets worse. I could always let them kill each other, but it would be horribly expensive - not to mention disastrously messy. The collateral damage would be far too counterproductive to the effort we spend hiding the tomb.

She left shortly after to join Sebas with his mission, I don't doubt they'll be back in short order.

Ainz and Naberal left together for E-Rantel, not too long ago. They decided to go undercover as adventurers under the aliases of Momon and Nabe. Just for good measure, I sent two fledgling mirages to accompany them - A White Nakk and a Hyperion. 

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I figured they could use the training, and I figured 'Momon' and 'Nabe' could use a little help in case shit got out of hand

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I figured they could use the training, and I figured 'Momon' and 'Nabe' could use a little help in case shit got out of hand. The objective behind their departure was so that they could learn more about the world around them. They figured that the higher they ranked up, the more useful information they would gather. It made sense, and again, I figured that Hype and Whitley could use the... practical experience.

Now all they have to do is make it past the illiteracy problem. Neither of them can read - not the language from this world.

I went for the archives to try and see if I could learn anything else about the people and things my former colleagues left behind. Pandora's Actor was surprisingly receptive - compliant, even more so.

As I sift through the files and data, I can't help but to reminisce about the past - before I joined the guild, and how I joined it.



(Ulbert Alain Odle) - You want to what?!

(Niko Makaya) - I don't believe I could have made my request any clearer without having personally insulting you. I'd prefer to avoid that if at all possible.

(Warrior Takemikazuchi) - The kid's got guts, I'll give him that. Color me interested.

(Tabula Smaragdina) - He helped me out of a bind some time ago, and lent his aid when I got in some trouble with some other players. Even leaving aside his character's detailed backstory, I can vouch for him.

(Peroroncino) - What fetishes do you have?

(Niko Makaya) - ...Beg your pardon?

(Bukubukuchagama) - *Hits her brother* Think before you speak, jackass.

(Peroroncino) - ow...

(Herohero) - I can vouch for him too. We were on a quest when-

(Ulbert Alain Odle) - Great. Another Tabula. Need I remind you all that we have one simple rule for this guild? 

(Bellriver) - 'Only inhuman players allowed' - yes, yes, Ulbert, we've run that one clear into the ground already. Still, we cannot deny his strength. He would be an asset in defending this tomb. Besides, what's the fun in reigning over this guild if we can't bend our own rules?

(Momonga) - Enough. He fits half of the requirements for joining us, and if at least one of us can vouch for him, I say we give him a chance - a challenge. Niko Makaya. If you can get back into this tomb and sit in my throne before a week passes, you will be permitted a place as the 42nd member of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown. I believe it is obvious that the rest of us will not make things easy on you. Do we have agreement?

(Niko Makaya) - *Smiles* Hail to the king, Lord Momonga.



Needless to say, I pissed off Ulbert that day - without even trying to, at that. Pity.

It wasn't an easy challenge by any means. While I could have likely just leveled the whole tomb and everything inside it by calling upon every mirage in my arsenal, I didn't completely know them. I knew that they were revered as deities among the servers, and that they were strong enough to wipe high-end clans and guilds right off the map. I was as well - I likely still am. The fact remained that I didn't completely trust them, and they didn't completely trust me - which made sense, given that they wanted me dead, and I had waltzed into their home asking for permission to take up residence in it with them.

I'm still surprised Momonga gave me the opportunity.

So I watched them. For six days, I watched them using the mirror I would ultimately give to the guild as one of my many signs of loyalty to Ains Ooal Gown. Learning their secrets, the entrances and exits to their tomb, the shortcuts they took, the routines they took, the times and formations of their patrols, and even a few potentially useful glitches that hadn't been patched yet. They didn't want to make this easy, and they didn't. I knew their secret entrances and shortcuts, but I didn't know their strengths and weaknesses. No humans were allowed, but not all of the members were undead. I was aware that quite a few of the other players and their NPCs were vulnerable to status ailments - a fact I capitalized on when I got to where I needed to go.

I stop reminiscing for a moment when I find something that sours my mood.

(Pandora's Actor) - Lord Makaya? Is everything alright?

(Niko) - ...Everything is fine. I just found a project for Sephiroth. I think he might enjoy it rather well.

He always hated that waddling little freak.


1114 words. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful (time of day)! This one got posted a touch late, due to me taking a little road trip with some family, but I'm still writing! I'm still here. I'm starting on a few things for my Bravely Default fanfiction - New Game, but I'll be starting a new chapter in Spite In Heroism sometime after I have this posted, so stay tuned!

(Feel free to check New Game out too. I'm putting a lot of work into it. Don't mean to advertise.)

Adagium Subjugate, OUT!

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