Screw it.

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Votes don't matter now. I've had this up for awhile, and I can't sit tight with this anymore.

I'm going to decide what powers the male reader is going to have for this one, and I thought it would be fun if I made him a sith or a dark jedi. Either way, I've left the poll open for too long. 

The poll is now closed. I'm sorry to leave you with any disappointments, but my mind is made up. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I personally thought it would be fun if I made this into a dark force user male reader.

Again, I'm sorry, but I have to get my ideas out, or they're going to drive me insane.

Thank you for understanding.

- Adagium Subjugate.

Two lords. An Overlord fanfiction (Male reader x Albedo)Where stories live. Discover now