Chapter 3: Honor The Fallen, Kill The Invaders

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Niko P.O.V.

...Wow. Just... just wow.

I did not expect this.

(Niko) - I thought you said you didn't give them a specific direction.

(Momonga) - I didn't. I just told them to kill the knights.

(Niko) - Well, they're certainly doing that. Aww... He taught one to fly.

The two Death Knights that Momonga raised continue slaughtering the knights.

The highlight? One of them was begging for his life as he was stabbed over and over and over again. I know I used to be human... but that brings a smile to my face, seeing them suffer.

I had based my character's personality off of my childhood experiences. I was a brainiac, a total bookworm. And I was bullied for it. I wanted friends, but I felt alone. From that loneliness grew hate. From that hate, the distance grew. And the more the distance grew, the lonelier I became, until I actively sought a live in solitude.

My character's memories have become my memories. I remember everything about the storyline I gave Niko as if I lived through it myself. Which makes sense. Because I was reborn as Niko. 

And in all honesty, I've never felt better.

Ooh... That must be a strange sensation, being sent flying only to realize that you're already dead, and the last thing you see is your own headless body. The soldier's head falls to the ground, and the remaining four tremble in terror, as the two knights approach.

(Momonga) - Death Knights! Stop!

With those words, the two undead soldiers halt in their tracks, awaiting a new command. The surviving townsfolk look up to see us, hovering in midair. Momonga has closed his robes, and masked himself. Sephiroth now wears his mask.

 Sephiroth now wears his mask

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(Sephiroth's Mask)

The four of us land, coming face-to-face with the surviving civilians and the four remaining soldiers. Momonga speaks first, and motions towards me.

(Momonga) - It is nice to meet you all. My name is Ains Ooal Gown. This is my second-in-command, Niko Makaya.

They look on in horror. My turn.

(Niko) - The four of you may return alive. And tell your owner that the next time you cause trouble in this area, death will befall your kingdom. Starting...

I lift a prism level to my mask. The prism holds Scorpio the Sandicore.

(Niko) - With your church.

Shooing them off, I make one last comment.

(Niko) - Go now. Be off with you. And tell everyone our names.

The soldiers flee in terror and Momonga looks upon me. I can tell what he's thinking, even with that mask and armor on.

Two lords. An Overlord fanfiction (Male reader x Albedo)Where stories live. Discover now