Chapter 17

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"Are you sure that is what you remember," I asked Skyla.

"Silena please, can you stop asking me that!"

"You guys were bangged, bruised, and you had broken bones when you came back. Now they all seem to have miraculously disappeared! Don't you find it...unnatural!"

"No I don't! Nothing of what you said happened! Even if you ask me a thousand more times, my answer will be the same: No!"
Wow! I had no idea Skyla could actually be angry. She always seemed so calm even during....everything.

"Something is definitely weird about this and I am determined to find out what it is," I said.

"You can go figure it out in another place. I won't help you in any way."

With that, she started walking away. I wanted to follow her but decided against it. I went back to the camp to check with my friends. While I was trying to get Skyla to remember, Cyan was supposed to be doing the same with Cyrus. I hope his attempt went better than mine.

"Got him to remember anything," I asked Cyan when I reached the tents.
"Nothing! Nothing at all! He keeps telling me " When did that happen?" and "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Well at least he didn't scream in your face."

"If it makes you feel any better, he almost did. "

This is the second time that Cyan talks to me without any snapping or snarkiness. Maybe we were finally starting to get along.

"I will go talk to Mayla. Maybe she has something to say about all of this," I said

"Whatever you do, figure out a way to fix this."

"We will. Don't worry."

After this, I went into the tent.

"Figured anything about what happened," I asked.

"The only thing I can think of is that they are under some sort of Magical Aura."
"Don't use terms I don't understand. Explain it."

"It is some sort of magical dome that puts a person under a spell. I never heard of someone able to create the same spell for two people except for.........."

I waited for her to continue but she seemed to have trailed off.

"Except for who," I asked anxiously

"Except for the Ancient Leaders."

"Are you sure those people disappeared? I mean everything you said so far hints that they are still here. I am even beginning to think that us being here was meant to be."

I waited for Mayla to say something but all she did was stare on one of the leafy walls.

"You might actually be right! When I think about it, the portal was supposed to lead us to somewhere else and the only person who can change the destination of a portal is an Ancient Leader."
"You didn't think telling us about that was important?!"
"With everything going on, I forgot."
"Ww have to go tell the others! If someone brought us here, then we need to find that person and let him return us home."

"Can't you wait for some time? I just want to make sure my theory is correct."

She sounded so nervous I felt like I just told her I was going to tell her secret to the whole world. Maybe I am! Maybe she knows who brought us here but doesn't want to tell us! But if this is true, then why did she tell me about it in the first place? Things were starting to get more and more eerie and I hated nothing more than things that didn't add up. I won't give up till I figure everything out and go home.

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