Chapter 29 (Before the last Chapter!)

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I woke up at the sound of electricity whizzing. My vision was still blurry and I could only make out the faint outline of people fighting. It took me a few moments to regain my senses and remember what was happening around me. The past events rushed to my head and I tried to get up. We were in a fight. I needed to help my friends. The moment I took a step, I felt some sort of crackling energy around me. I could feel this same energy all around me, surrounding my body like some type of forcefield. There were bursts of light, faint screams of agony, and collision sounds coming from everywhere. I couldn't see anything from my place, but everytime I moved something kept pushing me back.

"SOMEBODY LET ME OUT," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My shoulder was now completely numb so I couldn't feel any kind of pain. I couldn't tell if someone heard me over the screams of battle, but moments later, I felt the electrical energy go away, revealing a beautiful girl with blond hair and emerald green eyes, Skyla! She was alright!

"Skyla! I missed you so much," I said in excitement.

"No time for reuniting here. We are trying to stop Itzel and her followers from destroying the place," Skyla said in a worried voice.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Itzel?"
"You really think that I would betray my friend? All of us are here. We used a little trick that I would be glad to share with you later."

She said as she was getting ready to fire something that looked like an electric ball. So the field I was placed in was made by her. I guess she figured out a new ability just like I did.

"Are you strong enough to fight," Skyla asked.

I nodded. I would never leave my friends alone. I created multiple illusions of myself before I started battling so the enemies would take time to know which one is the real me. We started running toward the battlefield. I could feel my heart racing and sweat beaded my forehead. What I saw next was devastating, there were long pillars broken and crushed, leaving a pile of debris lying on the ground. Places were scorched, flooded, covered by vines, or crumbled. People were fighting all over the place. Everybody got their hands full and no one even noticed me. I needed to do something. I quickly scanned the area and noticed that there were three adults with pale white skin and completely black eyes were attacking Miss Anica. Obviously, this wasn't fair. I needed to help her. I closed my eyes and focused on the three identical women, typing hard to push past their mental defenses and flood their minds with memories. After minutes of tiering focusing, I managed to slip some painful memories into their minds. I could see them flinching, but it didn't make any difference, they were still attacking Madame Anica. I needed to think of another way since their mind defenses were too strong. I created an illusion of a girl sneaking up behind the women and trying to attack them. Falling for it, the women turned around to face the attacker. I seized the opportunity and controlled Miss Anita, forcing her to run away. Once the women realize that they are fighting an illusion, they will for sure come after Miss Anica, but she would be ready by then. I was about to help another person when a figure shrouded in black approached me. I couldn't make out anything about its features since the only thing I could see was a black cloth wrapped over the whole body. In a way, it reminded me of a mummy.

"Selina, what a pleasure to see you. I have been waiting a long time for that. Too bad I will have to destroy you forever," a scary, bone-chilling voice said from behind the cloth.

If I had any doubt that I was going to die before, then now it is confirmed. The figure creeped me out and made me feel like this was the last time I will even see the light. The figure didn't waste a second, it quickly moved its hand in an intricate pattern and a huge ball of pure darkness formed on his palm. I tried desperately to shield myself in any possible way, but I knew that none of my underdeveloped abilities could protect me. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, death. Then I heard something.

"Selina, watch out," someone said.

I felt the whoosh of air and suddenly, there was dead silence. I opened my eyes to find a body crumpled on the floor. 

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