Chapter 19

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"Wake up sleepyhead," someone said as they shook me.

"Leavemealone," I mumbled.

"You have been sleeping for an extra FOUR hours and you still want more," the same person asked.

"Fine. I will get up. Now stop bothering me and go find something else to do," I replied in a hoarse voice.

I wasn't able to sleep last night because of everything that happened with Mayla. I kept thinking about the people they were talking about but wasn't even close to understand what was going on. Maybe I should try asking someone. Cyan is definitely a big fat NO. Aaren won't believe me at all. Perhaps I should ask Skyla! She is the only one who will get what I am talking about. I got up and went outside into the shimmering, hot sun.

"Has anyone of you guys seen Skyla," I asked.

"Look who is up! We have been trying to wake you up for ages! Anyhow, she went to the river," Aaren said.

"You should practice your "good morning" more often," I said as I started walking toward the river.

The best thing in our spot was, it was close to a freshwater supply. Plus, the spot was surrounded by trees that grew exotic fruit. I took a few quick steps and reached the river bank. There was no one there.

"Skyla! Skyla! Where are you," I called out.

No response. Aaren said she was here so where did she go? Just then, she came out of a group of dense bushes on the other side of the river.

"Can't you keep your voice down a little. We almost got showered because of your screaming."

"Excuse me? Skyla are you okay? Do you have the flu?"

"Relax, I am alright. Can you just go now? I will talk to you later."

"I am not going anywhere till I understand what is going on!"

"What is all the commotion about," someone from behind the bushes asked.

"It is just Silena. She is in a really bad mood."
"Tell me what is going on or I will go and tell everyone about this."

Great! Now I am threatening her! I promised I would treat her better when she comes back and look at what I am doing!

"Alright, you can come over. But just so you know, I am not happy about any of this," Skyla replied.

She flicked her fingers and immediately some of the river water froze, creating something like an ice bridge. WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! THIS ISN'T RIGHT! SKYLA IS NOT A FOLERN! HOW DID SHE DO THAT!

"Come over and I will explain everything," Skyla said after realizing how shocked I looked.

I took small, slow steps toward the other side. How is any of this happening? Is this a dream? Yes, it definitely is! I pinched myself to wake up from this nightmare, but I found I was still standing on the freezing bridge. After several ages, I finally reached the other side.

" did you do......that," I asked in shock.

"I have no idea. I just woke up yesterday and found myself drawn to the river so I went there. Next thing I knew, I was sinking in it. I thought I was going to die, but then I realized that I was breathing normally. I thought about going back to the land, and then something watery caught me and placed me there."

"Now you don't make any sense."

"A little summary for what she said might be, she can control water without any reasonable explanation," Cyrus said as he too emerged from behind some bushes.

Why was everyone hiding behind bushes? Couldn't they just do us all a favor and stand normally without being hidden by anything.

"YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT," I asked in a very high voice.

"I figured out he could help me," Skyla said, clearly attempting to calm me down.


They both stared at me with raised eyebrows. Now I would have to explain everything or they will think I have gone crazy! Why did I have to be so stupid! Why! I really should find a way to keep my emotion hidden.

"Listen, yesterday I saw Mayla leaving the tent late at night. I followed her and saw her talking with a cloaked figure. They were talking about a "her" and another "two". I actually came here to tell Skyla about it, but I didn't know someone else would be here," I explained.

"Are you sure this wasn't just a dream? I mean you have been really exhausted in the last two weeks," Skyla asked.

"For the last time, you guys weren't here in the last two weeks! You were missing! I know I have no proof of that but trust me, this is the truth," I told them.

"Well, some things here don't match what we know happened, so maybe you are right," Cyrus said.

"I am right. Since you know about Mayla, can you help me find out what she is hiding," I asked hopefully.

"I don't really think we should interfere in other people's matters," Skyla answered.

"But this isn't just her matter! I am positive she was talking about us," I insisted.

"I am sure it was nothing potentially dangerous and to prove that, I will help you find a little about the matter," Skyla said.

"If you both agree, then I guess I will help you too," Cyrus added.

Now I have two people on my side! Trust me Mayla, I will find what you are hiding.

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