Chapter 25

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We took some twists and turns in the glass hallways until we were facing an opaque, frosted glass door with a black, wide frame. Alon stepped forward and knocked on the door three quick times.

"You may enter," a voice from inside said.

The door creaked open and both Alon and me stepped inside. The room was pitch black expert for the two white spots that came from the end of the space. Really creepy.

"I see you brought Selina with you," the same voice said.

"Yes sir. Should I leave," Alon's voice came from somewhere in the darkness.

"No, you may stay. As for you Selina, we have been waiting for you."

"I might have a little idea about that," I replied.

"I see. So you know why you are here."

"Yes I do." I was getting a bit nervous talking to the man who was supposed to be ultimately powerful.

"We will make sure you are comfortable staying here. As for your abilities, you will have a personal trainer for every single one of them."

"I have more than one?"
"Every single Elite has more than one. However, they differ from one to another. You will just have to undergo a little test so we can know which abilities you have."

"Will they hurt?" I am getting an unsettling feeling right now.

"No they won't. You will be placed under certain circumstances, and we will see if any of them triggers one of your abilities."

"Fine by me."

In an instant, the whole scene changed before me. Instead of the dark room, I was now standing in a clearing with clouds gathering above me. Judging by their appearance, it was going to rain. I didn't really like rain. As if the clouds heard my thoughts, rain began to pour down soaking everything wet. My chocolate brown hair stuck to my forehead in a really annoying way. My clothes clung to my body, making me feel really uncomfortable. Why can't it stop raining? I would really like to see the shining sun. Immediately, the clouds dissipated and the sun showed up again. How did this just happen?

"Congratulations! You have just discovered your first ability," a voice called.

"What is my first ability?"

"You my dear, can manipulate weather."

WOW! WOW! WOW! This is super cool!!! I can control the weather!!! No more annoying rain pouring on me! I was really starting to look forward to discovering my other abilities.

After this amazing event, I was placed under other tests. I discovered that I could make people do what I want just by thinking about it, overload a person's mind with memories, which renders them unconscious, and the ability to create multiple illusions at once. I was then taken to meet with my mentors. I entered the large white room to face four different looking people. The first was a woman with black eyes and white hair. There was another woman with golden eyes and purplish hair. There was a man with silver eyes and forest green hair. Finally, there was a man with coral eyes and rosy brown hair.

"Good morning Selina. I am Madame Meadow and I will teach you everything you need to know about weather and its manipulation," the first woman said.

I nodded in understanding. I could see the look of excitement in her eyes.

"I am Madame Anica and I will be teaching you how to make people obey your every command," the second, slightly short woman informed me.

Without waiting for me to do the slightest gesture, the other man started talking.

"I am Corston, your memory overload instructor," he told me in a gruff voice.

I didn't attempt to make any sort of reaction, leaving the last man to speak.

"I am Arash and it is my pleasure to teach you how to control illusions," he spoke in a low voice.

So those will be the people I will be spending time with. I really hoped there would be other children my age in this place. No one wanted to be stuck with only adults.

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