Chapter 23

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"I know you want an explanation for everything. We can give you one," the boy said.

"I am still not sure I can trust you. I mean, I just met you a minute ago," I stated.

"Can we please just get inside. I really don't mean any harm to you. If I wanted to hurt you, I could've done it already," the boy said.

His explanation made sense, but I just couldn't go inside with him like I knew him my entire life. If only there was a compromise for this situation. Maybe there is!

"Here is a deal, you tell me what you want me to know here, and if I find it reasonable, I will go inside with you," I announced.

Wherever inside was. We were literally in the middle of nowhere.

"Before I explain anything, I think we need a proper introduction. I am Alon and you would be Silena, right," the boy -Alon- said.

"How do you know my name," I asked in alarm.

"Around here, you are known by everybody," Alon informed me.

"More clarification please."

" let us begin with the fact that you are not human. You are a folern, just like us. In fact, you are one of the Elite Eight, as I am. Your mother used to work with us. She was one of the greatest people in our group. Now we can talk about Itzel. Itzel was one of the people who worked with us to stop the evil force from destroying this universe and claiming it as their own. We were trying to desperately search for forlerns powerful enough to stand in the way of this threat, but we weren't successful. We then tried searching for forlerns who can be bonded together, but as before, it was a fail. That was until Skyla was born. I trust you know her."

I nodded feebly. That was so much information to take in. I wasn't human? My whole life was a lie? Why didn't I just grow here in this universe? What made them send me to the human world? That is if I was even a folern. More importantly, what did Skyla have to do with anything. Was she also a folern? That would make sense since she already has powers.

"We were able to form a bond, but it wasn't a normal one. It was between a human and a folern. I am guessing you already know who the human is. As for the folern, he was Itzel's son. Both Skyla and him were born on the same day, the same hour, even the same instant, and that is what made them special. If they bonded together, they would have enough power to destroy the evil force. The problem was, they too can be destroyed in the process. Some of us agreed on finding something with equal power to stop any kind of destruction from happening. Unfortunately, a group of people, including Itzel herself, didn't agree on the plan we formed. That is when we started arguing. The result was that we divided into two groups, Itzel led a group who were determined to bond Skyla with her son and achieve their ultimate goal. We on the other hand, were determined to find the person with the counter power to stop anything bad from happening. You were the counterforce. After you were born, our research concluded that you were the only person capable of stopping them if things got out of hand."

This was so much to take in. I felt a bit woozy from all this information. I still couldn't believe all of this, but in a made sense. That would explain why Skyla ad powers. I also might have an idea on who might be the boy she is bonded with. But then, what about Mayla?

"Do you know Mayla," I asked.

"Of course I do. She has been keeping a close eye on you for us. We met by accident. She discovered some secrets about us so we had no other choice but to make her join us."

I wanted to press more on the matter, but I still felt dizzy from all the information. Maybe I will go in with Alon after all.


     Hello Guys! It is me Midnight Crystal! So this is an explanatory chapter to explain the mystery. However, there are still more mysteries to solve, such as who the evil force is.  So to anyone who is reading this, I hope you continue reading this story. Also if you don't mind, I would really appreciate it if you voted and left comments. Here is a question for this chapter (some sort of fun game, you don't have to answer).
Who is Itzel's son?
Clue: He is a character I already mentioned (DUH! I am really weird, I know!)
Anyhow, I leave you know! See you soon!

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