2. Invitation

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The phone rang, a landline. Without checking caller ID, Lin answered.


"Heyyy, Lin. Been thinking about you," Kya's voice said from the other line.

Lin all but melted into the receiver. She wanted to say she missed Kya; she couldn't stop thinking about her, about them and what they've been doing to each other.

"That's nice," was all she could say.

Kya chuckled. "Don't sound too excited."

"That's what I was going for, but I guess the 'cool thing' gets old when you get... old."

"You are cool, you know."

"I thought you said I was a square?" Lin twirled the phone cord around her long fingers.

"That's before I knew better."

"So what shape would you say I am now?"

Kya paused a moment. "I don't know. Haven't got you pegged yet. And I like that."

"Pegged, eh?" Lin blushed at her own remark. This wasn't the type of banter she was used to, but Kya brought out another side of herself she liked.

"If that's what you want. Or the other way around. Hint hint. Wink wink."

Lin almost dropped the receiver. "Um, what are you doing tonight?"


"Packing?" Lin was dumbfounded. "As in your belongings? To go somewhere?"

Kya sighed. "That's why I'm calling. These last two weeks have been so incredibly amazing. I was actually calling to see if you could meet me at our coffee shop. Better to talk in person."

The blood drained from Lin's already pale face and her stomach dropped. She didn't respond right away, forgot to.

"Hello?" Kya said on the other line.

"Yes, that's fine," Lin said, trying her best to collect herself. "What time?"

"Early this evening, say six? Unless you're busy of course."

"For twenty-five years I was busy at six almost every night, but now I'm all yours."
Another long pause on the other line sent Lin silently spiraling.

"Good," Kya replied finally.

They hung up and Lin let out a heavy sigh. What the hell was that? It was only 10 am, which meant she had another eight hours to agonize over their cryptic conversation.

Lin had spent a blissful two weeks being a complete lesbian shacked up in Kya's cottage. Kya had yet to see Lin's house, which she planned to invite her to that weekend, but now she wasn't sure.


Clair de Lune was quietly bustling as usual. Patrons sat about comfy couches reading or writing or playing board games, all drinking coffee or beer.

From afar Lin saw Kya sitting at a small table. She was reading something but Lin couldn't make out what book. All she knew is her heart leapt at the sight of Kya engrossed in reading, gently stirring the spoon in the coffee mug to keep her hand busy.

Lin approached. "May I sit?"

Kya grinned at the familiar voice. She got up and hugged Lin, kissed her on the cheek.

Lin melted into Kya's arms and lips but tensed up at the realization of why she came there.

Sensing Lin's apprehension, Kya pulled away. "Do you want something to drink? On me."

Kyalin: Alone, togetherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن