5. Camping

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A/N:  Thanks for being patient with the update. I got caught up with life and all that jazz -- you know the drill. Hope you enjoy. :-)


Somehow the gang found themselves lingering around Austin that day, too tired to take up driving and Bolin too infatuated with a girl to want to leave. Opal had headed home for a shower and a nap but would otherwise meet up with them later. The only person who seemed reluctant to stay was Lin, and Kya wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Say Lin, about last night..." Kya broached the subject while Bolin napped in the van.

"Did I make a drunken fool of myself?"

"Are you kidding? You were adorable. It was my pleasure to take care of you."

Lin's cheeks turned crimson. She wasn't used to letting loose but, among other things, Kya was warm and trusting and that made her crave something she couldn't name -- freedom perhaps? Love?

It was late morning. The two women were leaning against the van, loitering, looking out at the Colorado River. This was the sort of thing Lin used to give folks a hard time for. But now she could see that if there was nothing to do and nowhere to go, why pretend to be busy?

Lin found herself getting hot for Kya, the way she lingered casually in the chilly air with nothing more than a Kool and the Gang T-shirt and loose-fitted jeans and second-hand cowboy boots she caved in and bought the day before. She had the shirt tucked in which cinched at the waist and accentuated her curves. Lin wanted Bolin to wake up soon so they could kick him out for a while.

"Anyway, you said something last night I was wondering about."

"Oh? What's that?" Lin breathed into Kya's neck, fingers tugging the loops of her belt.

"You dated the Governor? Because do tell."

Lin recoiled. Whatever heat building between them simmered. "I said that huh? Damn.... Yeah, we dated. Were engaged too, but that was a long time ago. It was young love, or I thought it was – let's just say he had a different idea of our future than I did; his included lots of babies and power and prestige. Mine didn't. In the end looks like we both got what we wanted." She sighed.

"You're just full of surprises. So then why the long face? Do you miss him?"

"What? No! At least not in that way. That old badger." Lin smirked, remembering good times mixed with bad.

Kya grabbed a quarter and walked across the street to a newspaper dispensary and returned seconds later with the day's Austin American-Statesman. Page A1 above the fold showed a picture of the governor standing next to his pretty wife and flanked by four kids, kindergarten age to pre-teen. The headline read "Gov. Tenzin touts family values at rally." Kya thought the couple looked stately and she had to turn her head near upside down and squint with her left eye to try to imagine Lin there in the first lady of Texas's place. Couldn't picture it.

"Hey! You know what I just realized? Your ex looks like my baby brother. Doppelgangers they are. Seriously, if your ex ever needs a body double, it might do my brother good to get a job. Forty years old and still a Mama's boy." Kya rolled her eyes.

"That wasn't awkward at all." Lin grabbed the newspaper from Kya and took a closer look before folding it up and putting it far, far away. She took Kya's hand and squeezed gently. "Anyway, I'm happy where my life is headed now. It's a mystery – don't tell anyone but I'm enjoying the ride."

"Once again, you've managed to surprise me. And that is one of many reasons I'm enjoying your company."

"What are some others?"

Kyalin: Alone, togetherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ