8. Moms to the rescue

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Summary: Kyalin picks up Bo from Mako's and Mom vibes ensue.

A/N: Worry not, it won't take a dark turn or anything.


From her hotel room rotary phone, Lin dialed the number that paged her. Fortunately, Bolin answered.

"Bolin, what's going on? Are you safe?" Lin skipped to the point.

"Welllllll, yes. Sort of. I'm terribly sorry to inconvenience you, and I know we hardly know each other, and I'm technically a mooch vagabond and all, but can you please pick me up? I'll explain – I mean I won't explain later," Bolin's voice said on the other line.

"A lotta things inconvenience me – you're not one of them. We'll be there as soon as we can – say about forty minutes?"

"Oh my God, thank you! I –"

Lin thought she heard Bolin squeal on the other line, but she realized it was something else – errant screams and moans and loud thuds.

"What's that?"

Bolin stuttered. "Oh, it's uh, n-nothing. Just – well, Mako has a lady friend over."

"They sound like they're beating the crap outta each other."

"I have no idea what's happening, actually. Just wanna fly."


Lin hung up. Time to rescue her young friend.

She walked over to her bag and pulled out some tactical gear she brought along as a contingency. She was loading her gun and checking its jammers. It took a minute for groggy Kya to fully wake up, but she snapped to when she saw the hunk of metal in Lin's hand.

"What the hell are you doing?? I didn't know you had a gun on you this whole time!"

"Well I was a cop. And now I'm going to get Bolin."

Kya sat up. She was naked, her hair amess. "Is he OK? Should we call the police?"

"It's OK as far as I can tell, but I can't be sure. Doesn't seem like he wants cops involved, but I haven't ruled that out."

"So maybe you're overreacting with the gun? I woke up and all of the sudden we're in a Bruce Willis movie."

"More like Thelma and Louise, but you're probably right," Lin shrugged.

"Then I'm coming with you. Let's go get our boy."

Lin nodded, grabbing her long coat as Kya got up and dressed.


Bolin was waiting on Mako's porch for Lin to pick him up while the two folks from earlier were still standing at attention. Mako had said they needed to last three days before being let in, and Bolin admired their dedication.

It was a cool and dewy morning with the sun slowly rising in the East. Kya pulled up in her van and walked out with Lin down the driveway toward the front door.

"Over here!" Bolin waved his arms upon noticing them, signifying to an overly cautious Lin that it was safe to proceed, though the two thugs on the front porch gave her pause.

Kya waved back. "Hiya Kiddo. Missed you!"

"Awe look, he's gotta have his mommies rescue him," the tall sentry at the doorway sneered.

Before Bolin could respond, the front door swung open and a muscular young woman walked briskly out the house, avoiding eye contact as she passed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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