4. Austin

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Stevie Wonder played on the tape deck. Lin was driving and Kya half napped with her head leaning against the window sill staring off into the horizon that, no matter far you drove, would be there forevermore. Bolin snored loudly; poor kid was tired from hitchhiking all this way from New York, an impressive feat.

Which is why Kya thought she was dreaming when she heard a squeaky chattering sound rise above the music. A black footed ferret emerged from Bolin's shirt, its little head and black paws scurrying about the van and having a look around.

"Ahh!" Lin yelled, swerving the van before regaining course. "What in Sam Hill is that?"

Kya jolted awake. "I don't know, but it's cute!"

"Bolin, wake your ass up. Now!"

Bolin was still drooling and snoring; didn't rouse. Kya splashed water on his face, and he popped up.

"What the?? What's going on?" He yawned.

"You tell me?" Kya said, motioning to the tiny creature that resembled something between a cat and weasel, except it was bright red. It had posted up on the dash board and was enjoying the ride.

Bolin blushed. "Oh, hehe. That's just my best friend – Pabu."

"Were you gonna tell us about your best friend before or after the hike?" Lin interrogated.

"Sometime in the middle?"

"Not good enough," Lin said.

"OK. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just really wanted a ride, and you ladies were gonna take me all the way, you know – I don't know." He slumped. "I was afraid you'd change your mind. You can let me off, if you like. Can you please just drop me next to some civilization so I can have a fighting chance?"

Lin and Kya exchanged glances.

"So the next gas station then?" Lin said.

"What? No way. The little thing's harmless... right?" Kya looked back at Bolin.

"Yes! He's a great companion. Good in a pinch for all sorts of things – mostly just company. Would never hurt a fly, though uh, yeah, he does like to hunt small things. So if there's a mouse or rat problem – tah dah, we have Pabu to help us!"

"Oh brother!" Lin said, and Kya rubbed her arm.

"Oh c'mon, you have to admit, he's cute." Kya said.

"The ferret or the Kid?"

"I mean we both are, let's be honest." Bolin interjected. "But we're a duo – without my brother anyway. Then we were a trio. But he's waiting for me in LA."

Kya smiled. "Don't worry about it. We'll get you there. That is -- unless you turn out to be a creep, then it's –" She made a slicing motion with her thumb across her neck.

Bolin hoped she didn't mean literally and nodded his head emphatically.

"Yes ma'am! I won't keep any more secrets from you."

"Good," Lin said.


They touched down in Austin but not before stopping for fireworks. Driving through Texas, they had spotted several large signs on the side of the freeway touting firecrackers and finally caved in.

"We'll stay here for the night, although we'll camp out in the van to conserve funds. Bolin, I have a tent for you and extra sleeping bags. It's sort of tight in here – sorry."

"None taken. Plus, I know y'all prolly want some alone time. Wink wink."

"Please don't say wink wink to me," Lin said.

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